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mole2 01-18-2014 11:49 PM

Taxing the productive citizens is the only thing that government is good at.


Water Warrior 2 01-19-2014 01:32 PM

At the risk of sounding like a rebel...............rock on.

bpdchief 01-19-2014 09:35 PM

Rock On - is a 2008 Indian rock musical film written and directed by Abhishek Kapoor

Fawlty 01-20-2014 01:36 AM

Kapoor has a very unusual first name.

Water Warrior 2 01-20-2014 03:29 AM

Name the next member to make an entry here.

Fawlty 01-20-2014 07:13 AM

Here goes then, excluding me of course; mole2; grasshopper; water warrior 2 or bpd chief.

grasshopper 01-20-2014 10:42 PM

Chief, you have some wild jokes.

bpdchief 01-21-2014 07:59 PM

Jokes, told right are better than dancing with ugly women.

Water Warrior 2 01-21-2014 11:28 PM

Women are all beautiful in the dark.

Fawlty 01-22-2014 01:35 AM

Dark in the park when the dog barked and made its mark.

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