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longumd 11-07-2011 12:45 PM

Re: Start Up Problem

Originally Posted by Gz Rider

Originally Posted by longumd
Some updates of today's ride

Weather: sunny, warm, 50 F

I can hear combustion happen when I press the starter switch and the bike was turning over. However, if I release the starter switch soon (1-2 sec), the bike won't turn over. What I did this morning is exactly as Saturday night--hold the starter switch for a while to keep the combustion then the bike starts.
P.S. I used choke and bike is on neutral.

I'm thinking of use charger to charge my new battery every weekend in winter, does it hurt the battery?

Your post leads me to think you do not know what combuston is. Combustion is the act of the fuel and air inside of the cylinder exploding. If that is happening, the bike is started.

''Turning" means the engine is cranking but no combustion is taking place.

"Turning over" is the engine cranking and then combusion starts. At this point the engine IS started and running.

I think instead of "turning over", you meant "trying to turn over" which is an engine cranking with an occasional hit of combustion but not a stead cycle of combustion needed to keep the engine running?

A battery can be overcharged. Look into a "trickle charger" for a motorcycle.

Yes, you got it right. I updated my last post based on your explanation, thanks.

I have a battery tender like this:
http://batterytender.com/motorcycle/bat ... 0-75a.html

jonathan180iq 11-07-2011 01:13 PM

Re: Start Up Problem
So it's just a little hard to start in the morning?

That's what it sounds like based on your last response.
I guess I read your last post incorrectly. (Updating based on GZs response, was a good idea.)

Hard starting is not a big deal, even with 5 seconds in there. Remember, this is only a single cylinder 250. As long as it eventually hits and purrs you life, I wouldn't start fretting yet.

If your starter is hitting and spinning when you press the button, then your starter motor and connections are OK. If it is turning over the engine and making little puffs of air come out the exhaust pipe, then your starter gear is working fine and your compression is good. Since it ran alright once you finally got it started and you have had it out on the road a couple of times now, you know that your gas flow and spark are good, if not a little weak thanks to having old gas sitting in there for a long time and still needing time to clean away some residual varnish.

I don't recall seeing how many miles are on this bike, but if it's a lot, then a little extra time needed to crank is not anything to worry about.
Sounds like the weak/failing battery was the culprit all along.

If you are going to ride the bike at all during the winter, then I would check periodic charge and take her out every chance you get. If you are really going to winterize it and store her long term, then I would just pull the battery right before you tuck her into bed, charge it up once and then check it once per month.

Gz Rider 11-07-2011 03:35 PM

Re: Start Up Problem

Water Warrior 2 11-08-2011 02:05 AM

Re: Start Up Problem
A Battery Tender is a good option for the bike and comes with some very nice wiring for a permanent hook up to the battery terminals. Smart technology too. Leave it plugged in and you will never overcharge the battery.

longumd 11-08-2011 09:40 AM

Re: Start Up Problem
To GZ: I'm using a fuel system revitalizer, a kind of oil stabilizer. This morning the starting process is still a hard starts. After getting it starts on Saturday, I've rode it for ~20 miles.
http://www.amazon.com/Start-Your-Engine ... B001B0TCN4

To water warrior: Thanks for your suggestion. I have a battery tender but I live in an apartment. I need to take out the battery from my bike and charge it at home, 5 mins dismount the battery at night and 5 mins to mount it in the morning, not a big deal.

I will try to charge my battery ~2 times a week and ride it every sunny day to see what happens.

mrlmd1 11-08-2011 10:06 AM

Re: Start Up Problem
You are spending a small fortune on that stuff. Put some Berryman's B12 Chemtool 1oz/gal in the gas tank maybe every 3 fillups - about $3 a can and works great to clean and keep clean carbs. Ride the bike 'till the tank is almost empty and fill up with fresh gas.

jonathan180iq 11-08-2011 10:37 AM

Re: Start Up Problem
I agree with MrLMD1.

Anything more than modern, fresh fuel and the occasional addition of Berryman's or Seafoam is a little much. (I've recently gotten partial to Marvel Mystery Oil myself, but that's beside the point.)

And for what it's worth, you could add an inline fuel filter to keep out debris. But as long as you have fresh gas in the tank, there is no need for any kind of "revitalizer"

Gz Rider 11-08-2011 10:40 AM

Re: Start Up Problem

jonathan180iq 11-08-2011 10:49 AM

Re: Start Up Problem

Originally Posted by longumd
After getting it starts on Saturday, I've rode it for ~20 miles.

You really need to take her out on a longer jaunt. Maybe tack on 50 miles or so this weekend. Just go to the next town over or whatever and buy some lunch and then come back. It'll do the bike good.


Water Warrior 2 11-08-2011 11:32 AM

Re: Start Up Problem

Originally Posted by jonathan180iq

Originally Posted by longumd
After getting it starts on Saturday, I've rode it for ~20 miles.

You really need to take her out on a longer jaunt. Maybe tack on 50 miles or so this weekend. Just go to the next town over or whatever and buy some lunch and then come back. It'll do the bike good.


Doesn't everyone do that ??? :lol: :lol: Seriously though, an inline fuel filter is cheap, add some Berryman's or Seafoam when you fill up the tank and ride for your lunch. Your bike is willing and wanting a good run.

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