View Full Version : Howdy Folx

07-01-2008, 01:19 PM
Greetings from Anchorage Alaska. My name is Eddie and I came across this site on a fluke...and am I glad I did! Just recently got back into riding and picked up a GZ250 for a song. Riding season isn't very long up here so I'm spending as much time on the road (when I'm not chasing the salmon) as I can. I've been through the site and picked up a lot of knowledge on the bike so far and would like to thank all of you who have posted for those of us less savvy (i.e. Me). Look forward to getting to know you all. Take care and keep it upright!

07-01-2008, 02:56 PM
Nice to see that you can ride in Alaska. I have family in your neck of the tundra (Bethel). Watch out for the b-52 size mosquitoes!


07-02-2008, 10:59 AM
Howdy and welcome!

I would love to live in Alaska. What are the job and real estate markets like up there?

rusty rider
07-02-2008, 11:41 PM
Welcome to the forum. Probably won't see you out there :roll:

07-03-2008, 12:29 AM
I am trying to picture how you can shift gears in Mukluks... just kidding ... iwas in Alaska for a time when i was in the AF.. my fondest memory was going down th runway at Elmandorf sideways on ice ... But d__N that was the prittiest place on earth in the summer

07-07-2008, 02:13 AM
Sorry to all who have responded, things around here with work and all have been pretty hectic. Thanx for the responses, I know that there are questions out there that I have yet to answer and I'll get back to you. Just want to thank you for the welcomes....

07-07-2008, 09:26 PM

07-08-2008, 06:49 PM
Welcome on board mr.!!!

Did i read you're chasing salmon? hmmmm,bet ya always eat salmon out there. :lol: I so love fish!
Its good to hear that there's people that can ride bike out there! Wish you could post
some pictures of your ride soon :tup:

Drive safe...

07-14-2008, 04:23 PM
Welcome brother.

You seem like a nice guy Eddie.........

