06-28-2008, 04:08 PM
Well that was sorta fun........well, not really. I needed to head up to the drugstore to pick up a Rx, and rather conveniently I know a nice twisty backroad that serves as a wonderful alternative to sitting in traffic going through town. The particular stretch of road I've linked to is probably my favorite little 1.5 mile long ride I've found, mainly because it's literally about 1 minute away from me. What was so fun this morning was the unexpected little surprise waiting for me.
In the past year of riding my motorcycle along this road, I've only encountered gravel on the road one time, and that was merely gravel that had come from a driveway. As a result of the great conditions along the road, let's just say I'm prone to rather "spirited" riding through the curves every once in a while :2tup: . It's definitely a road to get leaned over on, if you're in to that sort of thing. There's little traffic throughout most of the day, and very rarely do I see other motorcycles.....I love it. Note, even when riding briskly through the area, I make it a point not to break the speed limit by more than 5-10mph at the most......I just maintain my speed and don't slow down for the curves :rawk:
I just returned home from Blacksburg about a 1 1/2 weeks ago, and have ridden very little since then. My knee problems have kept me off the bike, and my wisdom teeth have kept me from enjoying having a helmet on. But I figured what the hell and went for it anyway today, braving the horrible heat/humidity to ride in FULL gear. I'm glad I had planned on taking it easy in the curves, as there was gravel EVERYWHERE!!! Each marker on the map-link indicates where the largest patches of gravel were located, notice how they are just about all directly in the curves?!?!?!
Every so often I strip the fairings off the Ninja and ride out to a gravel road that's near my favorite DQ for precisely this kind of thing. Since I practice for this sort of situation, I knew not to panic and to just take it easy........made it through just fine and dandy, though felt like I was on a super-moto for a couple of turns :lol: .
So, the point is this: Even on those roads you travel everyday, that you seem to know like the back of your hand......don't get so comfortable that you get caught off-guard when something finally changes. Be safe out there everyone! (edited by dupo, shortened with
Ride safe
In the past year of riding my motorcycle along this road, I've only encountered gravel on the road one time, and that was merely gravel that had come from a driveway. As a result of the great conditions along the road, let's just say I'm prone to rather "spirited" riding through the curves every once in a while :2tup: . It's definitely a road to get leaned over on, if you're in to that sort of thing. There's little traffic throughout most of the day, and very rarely do I see other motorcycles.....I love it. Note, even when riding briskly through the area, I make it a point not to break the speed limit by more than 5-10mph at the most......I just maintain my speed and don't slow down for the curves :rawk:
I just returned home from Blacksburg about a 1 1/2 weeks ago, and have ridden very little since then. My knee problems have kept me off the bike, and my wisdom teeth have kept me from enjoying having a helmet on. But I figured what the hell and went for it anyway today, braving the horrible heat/humidity to ride in FULL gear. I'm glad I had planned on taking it easy in the curves, as there was gravel EVERYWHERE!!! Each marker on the map-link indicates where the largest patches of gravel were located, notice how they are just about all directly in the curves?!?!?!
Every so often I strip the fairings off the Ninja and ride out to a gravel road that's near my favorite DQ for precisely this kind of thing. Since I practice for this sort of situation, I knew not to panic and to just take it easy........made it through just fine and dandy, though felt like I was on a super-moto for a couple of turns :lol: .
So, the point is this: Even on those roads you travel everyday, that you seem to know like the back of your hand......don't get so comfortable that you get caught off-guard when something finally changes. Be safe out there everyone! (edited by dupo, shortened with
Ride safe