View Full Version : Battery

06-27-2008, 03:35 PM
Anybody got a battery recommendation for the GZ250? The best I can find seems to be a genuine Yuasa YTX7L-BS, but those are anywhere from $89 to $110 and are hard to come by.

The cheap imitations are less ($35-$50), but I'm wondering if I should get the real thing. Any experience?

Easy Rider
06-27-2008, 05:16 PM
Anybody got a battery recommendation for the GZ250?

Ya puts down your money and takes your chances !! :)

I got an "exact" replacement from Interstate Batteries but the price was about the same as the OEM Yuasa.
I do NOT think I would get a different style (ie non-sealed) and those are probably the ones that are cheaper.

Where have you looked for them?
I'm betting that any "real" battery shop has or can get them, as well as the dealer(s).

06-27-2008, 05:22 PM
I got an Interstate sealed "gel" battery. They said it was more resistant to the bumps & jarring you get on a bike. $96

Like Easy said "Ya puts down your money and takes your chances!!"


02-02-2009, 04:04 PM

I believe I may have the original battery still in my 2000. It's been getting progressively weaker.

I may try this westco battery (http://www.apexbattery.com/yuasa-ytx7l-bs-motorcycle-battery-motorcycle-batteries-yuasa-motorcycle-batteries.html) It costs about $50 unless the local battery place has something comparable.

02-02-2009, 04:08 PM
I got an Interstate through the local Napa store for about $90 or so (it's been a while, so I can't remember exactly). Been totally happy with the thing, although the "some assembly required" is a pain in the neck -- you have to add the acid yourself, and I discovered that battery acid will eat the top right off a formica counter.

Water Warrior 2
02-02-2009, 05:47 PM
I got an Interstate through the local Napa store for about $90 or so (it's been a while, so I can't remember exactly). Been totally happy with the thing, although the "some assembly required" is a pain in the neck -- you have to add the acid yourself, and I discovered that battery acid will eat the top right off a formica counter.

Yes it will. Sulfuric acid is nasty stuff. At least you know you got a brand new battery with no loss of shelf life.

02-02-2009, 05:58 PM
The Yuasa is an excellent battery but check the length of the warranty also when you buy any battery, you'd be surprised how short some of them are for a motorcycle battery.
And again, for the umpteenth time, make sure you put the thing on a charger to FULLY charge it up after you or the dealer fills it up with acid, before you put it into service. If you don't, even though it may read 12,6V, it won't have any CAPACITY and will start the bike one or two times and then be SHOT, dead, unable to hold a full charge ever again. I went through three new batteries from Battery Source this way and they kept replacing them saying each one was defective ( each was bad when returned and tested bad on a load tester). It was basically because the battery dealer told me is was OK to use an hour or two after filling, he said it didn't need to be charged. ALL sealed AGM batteries need to be fully charged before use, read it in the instructions with the Yuasa.
I bought a Yuasa online from a battery supplier in Florida (can't remember the name of the store but I'll look for it if you want), it arrived within 2 days of the order, and the cost including shipping I think was around $70 or $75 which was way cheaper than an Interstate ($95) up here from a dealer. It starts my bike in less than 2 seconds in 30-40 degree weather and I don't ride it sometimes for a week or two.

Easy Rider
02-02-2009, 07:00 PM
It costs about $50 unless the local battery place has something comparable.

That LOOKS like a good price but be careful about "Shipping and handling". Shipping is usually based on weight and a battery is HEAVY. Just be sure you are comparing total costs. Your $48.XX battery does not qualify for the free shipping !!

02-02-2009, 09:24 PM
That LOOKS like a good price but be careful about "Shipping and handling". Shipping is usually based on weight and a battery is HEAVY. Just be sure you are comparing total costs. Your $48.XX battery does not qualify for the free shipping !!

yea so I buy a $3 watch battery to get over $50 to qualify for free shipping. $52 bucks total cost delivered to my door step. Alternately I can get the OEM suzuki battery for $57 from the local suzuki dealer. They offer 20% off if you order online and then come in to pick up the parts. (http://www.hondaeasttoledo.com/fiche_select.asp) I don't know if that means the Yuasa battery or not.

Easy Rider
02-02-2009, 09:34 PM
They offer 20% off if you order online and then come in to pick up the parts.

WOW! That's a great deal for YOU; not so good for the rest of us !! :)

02-02-2009, 09:58 PM
Easy, They offer 20% off when anyone orders oem parts online. you'd just have to pay shipping. One word of warning, if you want to see prices at the link above open it in Internet Exploder. For some reason their parts fiche does not show prices/part numbers in Firefox.