View Full Version : Leg Protection

11-03-2006, 05:33 PM
I didn't want to highjack another post so I thought I would start this here.

It's easy to find riding gear protection for the upper body, hands, and feet but the reasonable cost choices seem more limited for the lower body without resorting to leather chaps or leather pants. These can be purchased for under $75 and offer the best protection in a slide. They do, however, project a certain image or in some cases are worn for a fashion statement.

I never was one for having any fashion concerns. I don't wear labels on the outside of my clothes either. Why should I pay for something and then give free advertising? Just doesn't set right with me.

I view chaps as something more for cold weather wind protection. I am thinking chaps for the winter rides to work when I am wearing slacks. They would be easy to remove, would keep the slacks clean, and the bits not covered during the ride will have the tank to block wind. Now, I could keep a change of clothes at work so the alternative could be leather pants (which can also be considered a fashion statement). They provide a little better protection (wouldnt' want to burn the biscuits if I go down!) but require schlepping extra clothes back an forth to work. Of course, that would probably be the least of my worries with the traffic rolling over top of me. :cry:

Any suggestions on lower body protection at a reasonable cost? What do others do?


11-03-2006, 06:00 PM
I have used unlined brown leather chaps on my commute to work. They were $45.00 on e-bay. I travel 70 miles daily on my GZ250. I couldn't care less about any statement they might make. They protect my legs. I guess when you reach a certain age you don't care what other people think. O_o Safe and happy riding to you. Carole in Illinois.

11-03-2006, 09:58 PM
"Fashion Statement" .... you can say 'they make me look gay' :lol:

I bought myself a pair of leather pants from a thrift store a few weeks ago. I have yet to wear them because they are just a tad 'shiny' if you get my drift ... kinda Rob Halford shiny :tongue:

Since it is getting cold, i think im going to purchase a blizzard suit from walmart (Dickies brand). That should keep me pretty warm in these cooler temps. I'm probably going to get rid of those shiny pants and get myself chaps instead. Atleast with those i can take them off easily.

Maybe if i drag those shiny leather pants behind the bike to 'rough' them up a bit :2tup:

11-04-2006, 05:28 AM
Maybe if i drag those shiny leather pants behind the bike to 'rough' them up a bit :2tup:

Like the old days when you got a new pair of jeans. :lol:


11-04-2006, 08:24 AM
Any suggestions on lower body protection at a reasonable cost? What do others do?

I'm currently wearing over pants similar to these FirstGear Mesh-Tex 2.0 Pants (http://tinyurl.com/yxph6v). Last years model with all the additional armor. They came with liners and with the liners I have ridden to work when it was in the high 30s.

I also have a pair of Fieldsheer Booster (http://tinyurl.com/765oy) pants. That are much warmer and dryer. These are not over pants but I just went with the next larger size which was a little big but allows me to have lots of layers including the liner. Even though they are warmer I don't like these near as much as the FirstGear pants.

Things I don't like about Leather: Once it gets wet it stays wet for a long time. When its wet is also cold. It's high maintenance when compared to synthetics. It is very hot. Where I live this is a prime consideration. Heat stroke is a real possibility. Good leather can be very expensive. Most of the leather gear I have seen pretty extreme and seemingly made for advertising or posing. I have nothing against posers or riders who like to wear fluorescent billboards its just not my thing. If I throw out the extremes there isn't much left to choose from. Don't get me wrong. I have a hybrid mesh jacket that is half leather that I really like.

I've never worn chaps and probably never will. If some one gave me some and they would fit over my riding pants I might consider it. I suppose they are better than nothing and probably do a good job of protecting your legs from the wind.

11-04-2006, 09:15 AM
Over pants are easy to remove. They zip/velcro all the way up to your hip so you can get them on or off with big boots on. Some of the water resistant ones are a bit more complicated but not having to carry rain gear more than makes up for it.

I seldom do this because I keep a pair of shoes at work and change when I get there so I can get good protection for my feet while riding and something more comfortable to wear at work.

11-16-2006, 10:43 PM
I ride about 10 miles a day and it's only a little cold in the morning. Heavy bluejeans work for me, but then again the ride is short. I have a much harder time with my visor fogging up.

11-17-2006, 01:49 AM
Do yourself a favor and look into www.scorpionusa.com (http://www.scorpionusa.com) 's helmets. Fogged visor will never be an issue. Good price too. Beats the hell out of HJC helmets.