View Full Version : aftermarket air filters
music man
06-21-2008, 11:29 PM
hiflo air filters. the suzuki gs500 air box is apparently so much like or is the same as the gz that they can use the same air filters. now this i learned from the fact that k&n makes a filter that fits our bike that actually is listed to fit the gs. but hiflo makes a filter part number hfa 3503 and it drops right in. now it doesnt really seem to make all that much difference in power maybe a little or maybe its in my head but it cost about 12 or 13 bucks which as you well know is about a third of what a suzuki oem filter costs. the only side effect i have seen is that the intake is a little noisier that it was, it doesnt have that inner sleeve like the stock gz filter and it is thin metal on the outside not plastic like stock between the two it makes more noise i guess. anyways for a cheaper drop in filter there ya go.
06-22-2008, 06:16 AM
completely uneducated reply:
you probably need to adjust your carb now; more air with an already-lean mixture means less power
music man
06-22-2008, 08:54 AM
i was not trying to "educate anyone" i was just telling people my experience with it. i have been running that filter for the last 1000 miles and have had no problem with it. that is all i was doing is letting people know that i found an air filter that does not cost thirty bucks and change, take it for what you will.
Easy Rider
06-22-2008, 10:47 AM
i was not trying to "educate anyone" i was just telling people my experience with it. i have been running that filter for the last 1000 miles and have had no problem with it. that is all i was doing is letting people know that i found an air filter that does not cost thirty bucks and change, take it for what you will.
First, he said his REPLY was uneducated. That is no reflection on YOUR message. :cry:
I hope it works out OK for you.
I too would be a little skeptical.....because of ALL the folks who have tried for a less restricted input and ALL have either gone back to the stock filter OR changed some jetting in the carb.
So......I hope you understand that we are not disputing your information and NOT berating you in any way for posting it. It's just that your results seem to be somewhat unique.
We have some folks here who get 80 mpg while most come in around 65. Some bikes seem to be "different". Maybe yours is one of those. If you want to see how the bike will run with a REALLY unrestricted intake, just run it for a minute or two with NO air filter. Mine (and most others) barely runs at all like that. Yours, however, may be different.
Keep the information coming. :tup:
music man
06-22-2008, 11:03 AM
Oopsfirst of all i would like to apologize to jibtexhnka for not payin more attention when i read his reply. i jumped to conclusions without really reading what was said. and i also need to revise the air filter post the actual name of the brand of filter is hiflofiltro they make oil filters air all kinds of stuff. its not really suppose to be a "less restrictive air flow filter, i suppose it may be less restrictive cause it doesnt have that inner sleeve like the stock filter on the gz, but i didnt originally buy it for that reason it was to save money cause until then i have not found a aftermarket air filter for the gz, and the stock ones are a little expensive in comparison to these, the stock ones may be better than these i dont know that for sure but i change my air filter pretty often all with oil changes, i am kinda anal like that. but i just thought you guys would like to know about these particular filters since they are cheap alternatives to stock ones. and your right i may be a unique case someone else may drop one of these filters in there gz and it may run like crap, but for the price it may be worth a try. but anyways i apologize again for my stupid comment about a non comment about me, and the long-winded response it took me to explain myself.
later on :rawk:
Easy Rider
06-22-2008, 11:53 AM
but anyways i apologize again for my stupid comment about a non comment about me, and the long-winded response it took me to explain myself.
All this proves is that you are "normal". Welcome to the club! :tup:
Now about your obsession with changing the air filters so often.............. :roll:
Let's talk about that for just a second. Damage or accidents aside, air filters don't become less efficient with use.
So, looking at it rationally (if that's possible) why do you want to change something 5 to 10 times MORE OFTEN than is necessary? The most cost efficient thing to do probably is.............follow the mfg's recommendaion !!
Just a wild guess but I bet you end up spending MORE changing it 5 or 6 times than you would just waiting and doing it ONCE with a stock filter ?? ?? :)
Bottom line: Assuming the replacement you found is a good quality, you certainly are not hurting anything by changing it more often so, if it makes you feel good, screw what everybody else thinks !! ;)
music man
06-22-2008, 12:08 PM
glad to see that i did not offend anyone too bad and that i am somewhat "normal", even though i doubt my wife would agree with that, but anyways i have only changed my air filter twice but i have also only went 4000 miles on my bike in just a little over a year on those two air filters, so some may call that obsessively changing it, since they werent all that dirty when i changed them, i just do it when i feel like it i guess, like you said its my money i am wasting. but anyways glad we got that straightened out now we can go on to the next subject.
06-22-2008, 05:13 PM
Nothing personal, but a little punctuation never hurt anyone.
This post was really hard to read.
Still, thanks for the new part number. It seems our useable aftermarket part list keeps growing.
Hiflo - Part # HFA 3503
music man
06-22-2008, 09:15 PM
Nothing personal, but a little punctuation never hurt anyone.
This post was really hard to read.
Still, thanks for the new part number. It seems our useable aftermarket part list keeps growing.
Hiflo - Part # HFA 3503
I know I'm sorry about that my punctuation skills have not gotten better with age, but from now on I will try to slow down and do better. Because i just looked at what i have been writing and it was hard for me to read. And i didn't take it personally.
I like the way you put the name and part number on your post. I will try to make mine look more like that, it is much easier to see what your looking at and looking for.
06-22-2008, 09:29 PM
I like the way you put the name and part number on your post. I will try to make mine look more like that, it is much easier to see what your looking at and looking for.
That's the plan.
We're glad you're here.
06-23-2008, 03:11 AM
yeaaaah and i probably should have read more than half of what you wrote before posting that... i may have had a few too many beverages in me and i saw "less restrictive air filter" and thought i should show off what i've learned in here so far (which is quite a bit).
06-24-2008, 06:24 AM
HifloFiltro HFA3503 From Their website.
Looks like it might fit just looking at the photo. However, I couldn't find any air filters for the GZ250 listed the Hiflo site.
Anyone have the info for the K&N filter?
music man
06-24-2008, 08:11 AM
Hiflo doesn't "list" an air filter for the gz250, this specific filter is for a gs500 going back to i want to say 1988, could be wrong
the year it goes back to but, i went with the same year as my bike so i could remember what i asked for just in case i couldn't
remember or find the part number. And it does fit i am running it in my bike right now, drops right in. Like i said the only side
effect i have is that it is "noisier" than stock.
And the K&N part number is "SU-5589". Which is also listed to fit the GS500. As far as I know no one lists a aftermarket "GZ"
filter, but suzuki was "nice enough" if you can call it that, to make another bike with the same air filter style.
06-24-2008, 08:58 AM
Looks like it might fit just looking at the photo. However, I couldn't find any air filters for the GZ250 listed the Hiflo site.
Anyone have the info for the K&N filter?
music man
06-24-2008, 09:13 AM
I knew I had seen the k&n info on here somewhere, just couldn't seem to remember where, Need to look closer next time I
Later O_o
P.S. I owe Jonathan180iq the credit for the HIFLO air filter find. It was because of the K&N filter that he found, that I figured
out about the other aftermarket air filter choices. I just never could remember where i read it, because i read it before i joined
this site.
06-24-2008, 10:39 AM
To be fair, I had suspected that it would fit but until Jaime installed it no one knew for sure. Now we know.
"...And knowing is half the battle." (
07-29-2010, 06:38 PM
sorry to bring back such an ancient thread, but it got me thinking. if the same filter is used on the 250 and 500, is the filter really too big for the 250 or too small for the 500? gm put the same tpi injection on the 305 and 350 small blocks, and the 350s saw a lot more improvement from tuning. i'm curious what the situation is on the bike filters. that may be one reason nobody sees a lot of improvement when running an aftermarket filter.
07-29-2010, 06:57 PM
Welcome.You see the most improvements when carb & exaust are modified to take advantage of the extra air.Don't forget that most engines are detuned from the factory to meet E.P.A. regulations.
:rawk: :)
Water Warrior 2
07-29-2010, 07:21 PM
All things being equal, the filter should last 2x's as long in a 250 as the 500. So far the Vstrom is still trying to use up it's original air filter after 46,000 kms. That's 28,500 miles. Must be the clean air and lack of bugs around here. But I do think the trip to the Yukon will do the deed. Lots of bugs to plug things in a fine fashion.
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