View Full Version : Sticking rear shock

06-21-2008, 06:15 PM
Hey guys,
New bike owner here. I downloaded the manual by the way. Thanks for posting it. I bought my '06 GZ used. I noticed that the rear shocks were bottoming out. I also noticed the adjusting cylinders were set to different levels. One on 1 (lightest setting) and the other on 3 (medium). Since I'm a heavier guy (225lbs) I went ahead and set them both to number 5 for maximum stiffness. They don't bottom out anymore, but do seem to get stuck (in compressed position) if pushed down too far. I have to tugg the rear up a little to get it to unlock. I know the bike has been sitting a few months. Is this something that a little lube on the rod of the shock will take care of? Or is there a bigger problem with the shock?

Easy Rider
06-21-2008, 06:52 PM
Is this something that a little lube on the rod of the shock will take care of? Or is there a bigger problem with the shock?

No and no.......well, probably not.

It is likely that the shocks are going into "uncharted territory" with you on the seat. :roll:
Hopefully a little exercise and they will stop doing that.

It is possible, however, that the bottoming out has damaged them internally.......in which case, they would need to be replaced. :sad:

06-21-2008, 07:14 PM
Well... I have only been riding for about two days. You think my weight would have already affected the shocks? I can't help but think this was an existing problem before I bought it. The guy's Dad I bought it from is probably 300lbs. He rode it on at least one occassion I can think of. He brought it down from San Antonio (3.5 hour drive). As I said before, the shock holds up, it just seems to get stuck compressed after say hitting a speed bump or something.

Easy Rider
06-21-2008, 09:09 PM
Well... I have only been riding for about two days.

OK, let's see if I can say this a little better.
Bottoming out a shock CAN damage it beyond repair.
If it did that for you, it probably did it for the other guy too.
If it doesn't automatically fix itself in a few days, you are going to have to consider the possibility that one or both of the shocks are shot.
And, sure, put a drop or two of light oil on the piston rod(s). It won't hurt anything but my bet is that it won't help either.

06-24-2008, 12:49 AM
I put a little lube (same gear oil I used to lube the chain) on the main rod of the of shocks. Seems to have cleared it up. Still would get stuck at first, but I think once the lube worked its way in, it stopped.