View Full Version : Finally Drove To Work, And noticed some things...

06-18-2008, 08:15 AM
Well, I have been driving the bike around my house for a few weeks to get used to it before I took it on the 25 mile trek to work. I finally did it this morning and noticed a few things that I feel are a little funny. I have never had a bike before, so I don't know if this stuff is normal:

1. I noticed while riding at home, but it reminded me on the way this morning. The transmission tends to clunk while downshifting, ESPECIALLY into first, you can hear and feel it in the other gears, but it is very noticeable from 2nd to 1st. I changed the oil and that didn't help. Could it be something with the tranny, or is it supposed to sound like that?

2. I went over a railroad crossing and bent the rear swingarm thingy that engages the brake, I believe I bounced a little too much. The guy who had the bike before me was about half my size, so I can't imagine the little dials are set wrong for him, much less me. Which way makes the suspension stiffer?

I could search this stuff, but like I said, I am at work now and they kind of frown on looking at this stuff for too long at one time. Thanks for your help guys.

06-18-2008, 08:34 AM
1. The transmission clunking is very common. New oil usually eases this a bit. Changing to synthetic oil almost eliminates it, except for first gear. There is really just now way around that one. The clunking isn't something to be concerned with. Grinding, however, is something to worry about.

2. I doubt that you bent the actual swingarm. That's the thick black metal framing that supports the rear wheel. When you say the rear brake swing arm, I'm not sure that I know what you're talking about. There is a long/skinny connecting rod, a little spring, a brake light sensor and then you start getting back up towards the front of the bike. A better description would help.
In regards to setting preload on your rear shocks, there are numbers on the slots. 1 being the softest and 5 being the stiffest. Once you get to five, you can drop it down into 1 and start all over, essentially trying them all until you find one that you like.

I prefer 4

06-18-2008, 09:11 AM
Thanks, that makes me feel better about the tranny.

For the brake, it is the piece that the cable connects to, that "swings" (that is why i called it a swingarm, sorry, i don't know the lingo) to engage the rear brake. I am thinking I will probably just buy a new one. I made it "work" for the time being, but I don't want to ride around too long with it like that.

Easy Rider
06-18-2008, 09:21 AM
2. I went over a railroad crossing and bent the rear swingarm thingy that engages the brake, I believe I bounced a little too much.

Regardless of what the part is really called, if you bent anything just by going over a railroad track, you were going WAY too fast. :cry:

Upping the rear preload to 5 might help but........
SLOW DOWN for hazzards. Railroad tracks ARE a hazzard when you are on a bike.

06-18-2008, 11:14 AM
Dually noted, thanks Easy Rider

06-18-2008, 01:57 PM
Are you talking about the brake lever on the handlebars?

06-18-2008, 03:35 PM
Transmission thingy is normal; mine clunks like hell going into first. The brake thingy, I can't help you with since I'm not sure what part you're talking about. If you'd like to find exactly what it is, find it in the service manual and there are quite a few people here who can probably help you.

06-18-2008, 04:17 PM
The part i ordered per the parts sheets is called something like the "cam lever" or something. It is the piece that connects the actual brake cable to the brake drum and opens the shoes. The two holes that the inner piece slides into are no longer even with each other, so that inside piece isn't exactly lined up too good. But I went ahead and ordered a replacement, so I plan on not riding it until then, at least, not after I get home today, which will be on very slow back roads since my brakes might not be functioning to the fullest extent.

06-18-2008, 06:45 PM
mine clunks like hell going into first

Big clunk here too. I thought it was a first gear indicator. :)

06-18-2008, 11:19 PM
mine too. I thought it was normal. I kind of like it though, I don't have to guess what gear I am in. Probably my inexperance but I like it. I am getting better with my downshifting but for now i think it helps me.