View Full Version : New Master Cylinder Problems
06-13-2008, 07:46 AM
I installed a replacement master brake cylinder on the GZ last night. It wasn't a direct replacement, OEM part, but it fit the bill, or so I thought. I connected everything up and filled the resevoir, but the brake pedal is unbelievably hard to squeeze. I know about bleeding the brakes, and I tried that, but nothing was coming out the caliper end, i even took the caliper off to see if would come spraying out the banjo fitting and it barely trickled when I would squeeze the crap out of the handle. Can the banjo bolts and fittings be installed wrong? Do they need to be a certain way so the holes on each actually line up? That is the only thing I can think of is that not enough fluid is getting past the fitting at the master cylinder. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
06-13-2008, 08:23 AM
There has to be a blockage somewhere, either in the master cylinder itself or in the banjos, as you mentioned.
Can we get a few pictures?
Easy Rider
06-13-2008, 08:44 AM
I installed a replacement master brake cylinder on the GZ last night. It wasn't a direct replacement, OEM part, but it fit the bill, or so I thought.
At the risk of being labeled "nasty" (or worse), I think that is a BAD idea.......with something as important as a front brake.
You probably need to disconnect the TOP of the hose first and see if you have a fluid block or if there is a mechanical problem causing the binding.
CAUTION: Be VERY careful with the brake fluid. It will EAT paint and windshields. (Don't ask me how I know!). :roll:
06-13-2008, 09:41 AM
I will try to get some pictures tonight. I had to get a non-oem replacement because both the dealers here said it would be weeks before I could get one through them, and I found one on ebay that I was able to get in a few days. This is the listing for it if it helps: ... 0258862836 (
06-13-2008, 09:47 AM
I installed a replacement master brake cylinder on the GZ last night. It wasn't a direct replacement, OEM part, but it fit the bill, or so I thought.
At the risk of being labeled "nasty" (or worse), I think that is a BAD idea.......with something as important as a front brake.
You probably need to disconnect the TOP of the hose first and see if you have a fluid block or if there is a mechanical problem causing the binding.
CAUTION: Be VERY careful with the brake fluid. It will EAT paint and windshields. (Don't ask me how I know!). :roll:
Not nasty, don't worry. But like I said, I had to have it quick because the one that was on there was actually leaking at the sight glass and the screws on the top were stripped, I couldn't even use a stripped screw tool on them they were so rusted and worn. But if I can't figure out what is wrong with this one, I guess I will have to park it longer and try and find an OEM replacement.
06-13-2008, 09:51 AM
It looks to be a quality product, judging by the auction photos.
So all of the banjos lined up and matched correctly when you were installing them?
06-13-2008, 10:22 AM
I am not really sure, do the holes in the fitting have to line up with the holes in the bolt? I only got new washers with the master cylinder, but used the old ones on the caliper after I took it off to clean it up. Also, the angle fitting that the OEM part uses doesn't line up too well with the outlet of the new one (as you can see in the auction, the outlet is on the side of the OEM one, but the front of the new one) It doesn't kink the hose or anything, but I have already ordered a new hose with a straight fitting on the caliper end and a 90 on the cylinder end. Again, I don't really know how the whole banjo bolt system works, I just know it does. Do the holes need to line up EXACTLY with the fitting and the bolt, or does the fitting just fill up with fluid and it eventually gets to the hole in the bolt?
06-13-2008, 11:22 AM
First, I know it's too late now but if you were ordering new brake lines it would have been a good opportunity to try some stainless steel lines.
Anyway, as far as I know, the outlet holes, where the brake fluid travels out of the master cylinder, need to line up close to flush with the entrance holes of the brake lines. If they don't, flow won't be fluid and you may experience what you are dealing with...
Let us know what happens with the new lines.
06-13-2008, 11:43 AM
great minds think alike. I did get stainless steel lines :tup: . Yeah, when I get home tonight I am going to drain everything and take it apart and see if there is a blockage somewhere first. I am also going to get new banjo bolts and washers, just because. I will let ya'll know how it turns out. Thanks for all the advice.
06-13-2008, 12:03 PM
Man that's great!
I just ordered some ceramic pads. I plan on getting a stainless line before I install the pads and doing them all at once.
What size line did you end up going with. Based on my old measurements it looks like we need 34". Is that right?
Be sure to post pictures when you get it all done.
06-13-2008, 12:41 PM
I actually ordered bulk line and I have a friend at a shop that has the tools to connect the ends. I got a 48" piece, but I doubt I will need the whole thing. When I get it measured and cut, and am sure it will fit, I will let you know. The parts should be in Monday or Tuesday, so hopefully I can get it done by tuesday night.
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