View Full Version : Power loss after jumping battery

09-08-2024, 09:44 PM
Ok, so I have a 1999 Suzuki Gz250. I had been working on rewiring my turn signals in the front and rear using the battery for testing purposes. Once everything was wired up, went to start the bike and of course, battery had little juice to turn her over. So, I hooked up my riding mower battery up to the bike battery with the mower off. Waited 5 minutes, tried to crank, no luck. Started mower since both battery's have the same CCA. Went to start bike and the headlight lit up and went out quick and nothing after. I have power at the main fuse next to battery but not the rest of the fuses at all. I need help.

Vegas Street Rider
09-09-2024, 05:34 PM
Are the rest of the fuses blown or still intact? You may have caused a voltage spike that took out the smaller fuses. I was not clear on whether they were still intact or not.

Another possibility is that a cell in the battery collapsed.

09-09-2024, 06:57 PM
Are the rest of the fuses blown or still intact? You may have caused a voltage spike that took out the smaller fuses. I was not clear on whether they were still intact or not.

Another possibility is that a cell in the battery collapsed.

They're intact just no power to them.

09-10-2024, 12:20 AM
Even had the battery tested and it passed 4 tim