View Full Version : Clutch Not Engaging

04-04-2024, 02:33 PM

I was riding and my clutch cable snapped. I was able to limp home by shifting w/o clutch. Wondering if I did further damage. Replaced the cable yesterday but the clutch lever is just moving freely and not "springing" back. Do I have to do a clutch rebuild or is there maybe just a spring that is not properly mounted?

Any help is appreciated!


04-04-2024, 11:18 PM
You most likely didn't do any damage, I rarely use a clutch when riding any bike/ATV once moving. I don't own a GZ250, but there's probably a spring missing or the shaft isn't correctly positioned inside.

08-20-2024, 10:20 PM
You likely didn't do any damage, did you take the clutch arm off of the splines for the clutch release shaft? It could be that you didn't line the splines for the shaft and the clutch arm correctly. It's an easy mistake to make