View Full Version : motorcycle shops

06-11-2008, 02:20 AM
will only motorcycle-specific shops work on motorcycles? meaning, will jiffy lube change my bike's oil? or do i need to find a shop that specializes in motorcycles?

i would assume a general auto shop wouldn't have anywhere near the expertise or know-how that a specialized shop would, and i would hesitate to take my bike there, but is it even possible?

on that note, do most auto parts stores carry motorcycle parts? or at least maintenance stuff like fluids/oil filters?

Water Warrior 2
06-11-2008, 03:13 AM
Jiffy Lube and their competiters are set up to service cages. You can do your own oil/filter changes with a little help from the forum members. Learn to dig into your bike a bit and gain some experience and knowledge. Get a buddy to walk you through the first time if possible. Filters and oil can usually be ordered from a auto parts store, same for air filters. Or find a small local bike shop who will do the work for you. It need not be a Zuk dealer just for regular servicing but it might help. Our local Yamaha dealer stocks both oil filters for our bikes and oil comes from Canadian Tire. The GZ was taken to a Zuk dealer for a valve check/adjust. I had heard mostly good reports about them.

06-11-2008, 06:14 AM
It may be intimidating at first, but go up to some V-twin guys hanging out at a custom shop, or liquor store, or heck, even a bar and ask them for some advice. They're usually way friendlier than they look and are more than willing to talk through, or even walk you through some light maintenance work. I ran into some guys at a local liquor store (conveniently beside a VTwin shop) and just asked them a few questions about the fuel tank and oil and the chain lube. Stuff I knew already, but just gaging the knowledge level at first.

They were more than helpful and I chat with them on occasion when I'm in buying some liquid courage and talking about bikes.

Easy Rider
06-11-2008, 08:47 AM
will only motorcycle-specific shops work on motorcycles?

Yes. And "auto parts stores" are just that. You won't be able to get bike parts there unless you have a bigger bike that just happens to use the same oil filter as some car.

If you had a bigger, more popular bike, it wouldn't hurt to ask but for a GZ.......no chance.

06-11-2008, 09:06 AM
Places like Jiffy Lube, as stated, generally, only work on cars. Personally, I've never asked. Just call up the shop that you are thinking of and ask them.

That being said, I'd suggest, as stated by others, that you try changing it yourself. There is a write-up in the How-to section with photos and the corresponding conversations detail other's experiences with the process. It's really pretty simple. The messiest part is changing the oil filter, which isn't even all that messy if you prepare for it with some shop towels.

Warm up the engine - turn it off - drain the oil from the crankcase - replace the oil filter - refill with oil - crank it up and make sure it's all cozy - top up if needed.

Go here:

Water Warrior 2
06-11-2008, 08:54 PM
will only motorcycle-specific shops work on motorcycles?

Yes. And "auto parts stores" are just that. You won't be able to get bike parts there unless you have a bigger bike that just happens to use the same oil filter as some car.

If you had a bigger, more popular bike, it wouldn't hurt to ask but for a GZ.......no chance.

I do try to smile when reading all posts but you tend to remove the smile with your "smarter than others attitude". Do you honestly believe the Gz uses a one of a kind oil filter ? Give your head a shake will ya. I can buy an oil filter for my neighbors snowmobile that fits and neither has a Suzuki name on it. I can buy the filter at a bike shop, snowmobile shop and an auto parts store. I can also order the filter at Canadian tire or Wally world. Just sayin............

I will be happy to read your response when we get back from our road trip that starts early tomorrow morning. Til then :neener: :neener: :neener:

Easy Rider
06-11-2008, 09:54 PM
I do try to smile when reading all posts but you tend to remove the smile with your "smarter than others attitude".

What the hell? Find somebody else to kick around.
I'm taking a vacation from this.

06-11-2008, 10:49 PM
hey, no fighting in my thread!

i change the oil in my car and i plan on changing it in my bike, i just wanted to know if auto shops generally would know anything about bikes.

so it's unlikely i'd find the oil filter i need at a Schucks? maybe i should start looking around for bike shops...

06-11-2008, 10:52 PM
If not, you can always order them online for like $4.

06-11-2008, 11:16 PM
I just got a couple of these filters. $2 a pop isn't bad, and BB has fairly cheap shipping charges.


06-12-2008, 01:15 PM
The closest Suzuki dealer is across town from me so I buy at least 2 filters each time I am there. They cost $4.75 (US) each. I just changed my oil for the very first time at 338 miles. Took me all of 30 minutes (cause I was waiting for the oil to drip out.) Yes, back of bike was elevated. The filter was blackish and a little metal shavings on it.

It took a 17 mm wrench to get oil plug off. 10 mm wrench to get nuts off oil filter plate. I used a pan that I got at the emergency room to drain oil in. Be careful of spring on plate that holds filter in place and be sure to place the gasket back in the groove on the plate side when placing plate back on bike.

Put old oil back in new oil can I just used to put new oil in and drop it off at a Pep-Boys. Will change oil again at 600 miles.

One BIG thing I do is keep a detailed maintenance record. I use my home computer to keep all my vehicles maintenance records. I make up a form with 3 columns on it. One for the date, one for mileage and the last for the description of anything done including costs. I also put the day I bought the vehicle and VIN number at top of page. I print out a new page each time I do something on the vehicle and place it in a file folder I keep of all other paperwork (Title, warranty, insurance, etc...). I even take several pictures of the vehicle at different angles when I first bought it and put in file folder. I take no chances. It's called COVER YOUR ASS!!!

Easy Rider
06-12-2008, 07:06 PM
Do you honestly believe the Gz uses a one of a kind oil filter ?

Maybe not but it's kind of beside the point.

While I don't know for SURE, I'm betting that the average Joe or Jane can not walk into Auto Zone or NAPA, etc, ask for an oil filter for a Suzuki GZ 250 and walk out with anything.

NOW, if by some quirk of fate, or a LOT of digging around, you have discovered that the same filter is also used on something else..........that IS stocked at Auto Zone.....then that is great.......but it does not change the fact that, in general, one can NOT get motorcycle parts at the Auto shop. And that WAS the original question......wasn't it ?? :??:

06-12-2008, 07:48 PM
Please let us know if you find a chain auto parts store that carries our oil filter!!

