View Full Version : Break in period questions

El Diablo
06-08-2008, 03:17 PM
New bike owner with questions:

Brake Break In question: Got my GZ this past week. Just now up to around 60 miles on it. When coasting at very slow speeds I can just barely hear the whisp whisp whisp sound of brake pad on disk. Sounds like my old ten speed with slightly warped tire making brake pad touch tire in one spot on the rim. Is this part of normal "break -in"?

Suspension question: The factory preloads the rear shocks at the 3 position. I know I need to change the settings and ride each to see which fells better. Anyone out there my size 5 11" 210 lbs have any recomendations?

Signal quesiton: One of the front signals is angled down slightly, whereas the other is facing straight out. I took it off but can't figure out how to adjust. Most people would never notice but now that I have, it bothers me.

All answers/recomendations appreciated. Anthing else I should look for during break in period?

Easy Rider
06-08-2008, 06:39 PM
Is this part of normal "break -in"?

Anyone out there my size 5 11" 210 lbs have any recomendations?

Most people would never notice but now that I have, it bothers me.

When your front brakes start to squeal a bit every time you use them, then they are broken in ! :)
That minor scraping noise is not ABnormal; it might go away and it might not.

I am about 180 and have my pre-load set on 2. 3 is probably OK for just you on board. You can play with it but probably won't notice much (if any) difference in "normal" riding. A higher pre-load prevents sagging and bottoming out on big bumps. Extra passenger or gear, probably should bump it up a notch (or 2 depending on the extra load). If that happens very often, you probably want to just leave it there.

You have a slight mfg. defect in the signal stalk. I think I have one front AND one rear like that. If it REALLY bothers you that much, order a new one. :roll:

Other things to do: Check oil and tire pressure often......each day or each ride, which ever is least frequent.

El Diablo
06-09-2008, 08:40 AM
Thank you very much for answers and insight.

Wow. I would have never thought to check tire pressure so often. What do you think about changing over from air to nitrogen fill in the tires. I did that on my wife's van. The nitrogen has larger molecules so there is less leakage and it does not vary pressure much in excessive heat or cold like normal air?

06-09-2008, 08:45 AM
Hey; See this topic, and you'll see it's been discussed. Search for "Want your GZ to ride better?"

I use nitrogen and I like it!


Easy Rider
06-09-2008, 09:22 AM
What do you think about changing over from air to nitrogen fill in the tires.

Many of the so-called advantages of nitrogen are pretty much lost on a tire with an inner tube.
I think it's mostly a marketing ploy........to extract more money from your wallet.

You should check tires and oil every day during break-in mostly to develop good habits........and to catch critical probems before they become disasters.

Truth be told, I kick my tires every day and put the gauge on them about once a week, when I also look at the site glass. :tup:

06-12-2008, 08:04 PM
El Diablo;

Take a look at how the front signal mount. You'll see that they are mounted on a formed black sheet metal bracket. Mine were pretty badly misaligned so I took a large pair of channel locks pliers, put a thick rag inside of the jaws (to keep from scratching the bracket) and gently bent the brackets to re-align the turnsignals. You can't bend them alot or they will probably break. I also had to bend mine backwards about 1/4" to clear my curved windshield as well.

It bugged the crap out of me also. Problem solved.

Also, my tires have not lost a single pound of pressure since I began using nitrogen. $10 a tire. I like it!


06-12-2008, 08:53 PM
Sarris is right about the turn signals being moveable with the black plate as pivot, however, you can just position the turn signal just about anywhere you want it, with your hand.

06-12-2008, 09:47 PM
Sarris is right about the turn signals being moveable with the black plate as pivot, however, you can just position the turn signal just about anywhere you want it, with your hand.

It can very possibly break the signal stalk by doing it that way. The plastic stalk is only connected to the bracket by a single screw, so be very careful moving it by hand. I would use Sarris' suggestion and use some vice-grips/channel-locks and adjust it that way.