04-05-2022, 08:56 PM
I got my gz running! Been some time since I posted on this forum.
To fill in I have since replaced piston, cylinder with chinese parts. New Nasaki Head assembly from alibaba or Aliexpress. 1aea4M8AN&gps-id=platformRecommendH5&scm=1007.18499.271340.0&scm_id=1007.18499.271340.0&scm-url=1007.18499.271340.0&pvid=0bf3d375-deb9-4967-bc4d-37f63163177d&_t=gps-id:platformRecommendH5,scm-url:1007.18499.271340.0,pvid:0bf3d375-deb9-4967-bc4d-37f63163177d,tpp_buckets:668%232846%238112%231997&pdp_ext_f=null&pdp_pi=-1%253B260.98%253B-1%253B-1%2540salePrice%253BUSD%253Brecommend-recommend
During putting new head cover on the new gn250 assembly I didnt realize the C-clip wasnt in the groove in assembly, so when I torqued down the head cover I cracked a brand new part. So I used my original 2005 gz head cover and rockers.
Using a new gn250 camshaft.
Anyhow, Im happy to get running but seems a lot louder than before or some other issue.
I do read where people say our gz's are loud tapping bikes its normal.
Im thinking I need to readjust valves a little tighter than 0.08mm intake and 0.13mm exhaust. I thought maybe I used wrong units last time I adjusted valves.
Next camchain tensioner and I might need a need new cam chain?
The rockers are worn so maybe I need to swap out older worn rockers with the new rockers since head cover is still good.
To fill in I have since replaced piston, cylinder with chinese parts. New Nasaki Head assembly from alibaba or Aliexpress. 1aea4M8AN&gps-id=platformRecommendH5&scm=1007.18499.271340.0&scm_id=1007.18499.271340.0&scm-url=1007.18499.271340.0&pvid=0bf3d375-deb9-4967-bc4d-37f63163177d&_t=gps-id:platformRecommendH5,scm-url:1007.18499.271340.0,pvid:0bf3d375-deb9-4967-bc4d-37f63163177d,tpp_buckets:668%232846%238112%231997&pdp_ext_f=null&pdp_pi=-1%253B260.98%253B-1%253B-1%2540salePrice%253BUSD%253Brecommend-recommend
During putting new head cover on the new gn250 assembly I didnt realize the C-clip wasnt in the groove in assembly, so when I torqued down the head cover I cracked a brand new part. So I used my original 2005 gz head cover and rockers.
Using a new gn250 camshaft.
Anyhow, Im happy to get running but seems a lot louder than before or some other issue.
I do read where people say our gz's are loud tapping bikes its normal.
Im thinking I need to readjust valves a little tighter than 0.08mm intake and 0.13mm exhaust. I thought maybe I used wrong units last time I adjusted valves.
Next camchain tensioner and I might need a need new cam chain?
The rockers are worn so maybe I need to swap out older worn rockers with the new rockers since head cover is still good.