View Full Version : bike starts when it wants to

06-06-2008, 01:19 AM
so mhy bike had been running well. started up every time, and ran ok considering the choke is stuck in on position or the other (cable rusted out). well, now its having a time starting. i turn the key, lights come on. hit the button, engine turns, but no fire. turn off key and repeat till she starts. what gives? its never the same amount of times either. could be one, could be five. helps? :??:

06-06-2008, 01:46 AM
Fix the choke cable first. That should narrow your problem down substantially.

Motion Pro Cables (http://www.motionpro.com) is a good first look.

06-06-2008, 08:42 AM
No kidding. Fix the choke and then come back. How long have you been riding with the choke stuck on? I hope you haven't melted your valves or soemthing...

Easy Rider
06-06-2008, 08:47 AM
and ran ok considering the choke is stuck in on position or the other (cable rusted out).

The "choke" is not really a choke but an enricher.......otherwise, you wouldn't have gotten away with riding it like that.
Choke is only required when the engine is COLD. About now, mother nature shifts things toware HOT. Not surprising that you have trouble starting with more "choke" than is needed.

A spark plug inspection would be in order........after fixing the "choke".

06-09-2008, 04:17 PM
fix the choke, replace or clean the spark plug and take out and smell the air filter, if choke was a problem and using more gas your filter will give a lot of gas smell. if its old better change the filter too.