View Full Version : 2008 model of GZ250

06-04-2008, 02:15 PM
Searching the Internet and reading these forums, I see my choices with the newest version of the GZ250 is limited. A lot of mods and parts found are for 2006 and older. Not sure if they are compatiable with the 2008 model but I do not wish to make a mistake. My bike is in perfect shape right now. No scratches, no dents, no bumbs, no misques in performance. Other than a scuff mark on the exhaust pipe, it's perfect. Soon, I will start putting pin strips, decals, windshields, etc... on it. One thing I really really want to put on it is that tachometer I read about here. I hope I can make that work.

I am sure if I am patient, mods will come around that will work on my 2008 bike. :tup:

06-04-2008, 02:21 PM
I really aprpeciate your enthusiasm but I am going to have to suggest that you search a little bit.

The question of what parts fit which bike was covered less than a week ago.

This bike has been virtually unchanged since its induction. The parts and mods that work on older bikes will work on the '08. Aside from paint colors, nothing has changed.

Easy Rider
06-04-2008, 03:09 PM
I see my choices with the newest version of the GZ250 is limited. A lot of mods and parts found are for 2006 and older.

Limited they are, but not for the reason you stated.
They are listed that way because the listings haven't been updated since '06 !!
Also many listings start at 1999. I think that's because it was known as a Maurader before that; still same bike.

06-04-2008, 04:34 PM
Sorry, just joined yesterday. I missed the discussion a week ago about parts have not changed. I had a look at some parts between 2006 (download on this site) and 2008 (IPB from a dealer site), the the parts looks the same but has a different part number.

Since I have been out of the biking state of mind for over 27 years, I do not realize what is interchangable and what is not. Thanks for the feedback.

06-04-2008, 09:11 PM
There is no problem with questions. It just helps keep everything tidy if we search a little bit and read old conversations so we don't clog up the forum with repetitive queries.


06-06-2008, 05:10 PM
There are some differences but so far I have not run across any thing that didn't fit.

There is a thread on differences too.