View Full Version : Ammo Can Saddle Bags
10-22-2006, 10:30 PM
I mounted two M2A1 aka 50cal ammo cans as saddle bags today. They work well but are really to small. My rain suit takes up a whole can. I have learned a lot doing this and I didn't mess up a $200 set of hard bags trying figure out how to do it. Ammos cans cost $5 each. I intend for this to be an on going project experimenting with hard bags for the GZ250.
For those who don't know what an M2A1 ammo can looks like: (
When you get a chance a few pictures with text on the mounting methods would be great. This is a great idea for an inexpensive and secure set of saddle bags. I'm not in the market for a set of saddle bags since both my wife and I ride solo and carry what we need in tail bags. But if there is a way to mount these with a quick (yet secure) release then I would be more than just tempted.
10-23-2006, 09:25 AM
I plan on photos and some instructions on how to do it. I started with these cans because I hve 50 of them. The next size up is a SAW (Squad Automatic Weapon) box. I only have two of these so I'm not real keen on drilling holes in them until I've settled on the mounting hardware. Current mounting hardware consists of 5/16" treaded rod lock nuts, regular nuts, regular washers, fender washers and a stainless steel bag support I got off eBay, They can be removed by opening the lids and removing two lock nuts and fender washers.
Why do it? I have not found any bags made for a GZ250 that are much more than decorative and none that I would consider secure. I want to carry better tools on my bike and leave them there all the time. I want to carry minor spare parts such as bulbs, fuses, and tire repair kits. I want to carry a digital camera and have secure storage for this on the bike. I have a Concealed Weapons Permit and go armed almost everywhere. There are a few places I need to go that I can't carry and I need secure storage. There are very few hand guns bigger than your typical mouse gun that will easily fit under the GZ250 seat. A full sized 1911 would be totally out of the question. In other words I have a real need for hard, lockable, water proofstorage that can't easily be removed from the bike. Ammo cans fit the bill and they are cheap to boot.
I'm also considering making hard bags from fiberglass or adapting some other existing boxes or bag. Pelican boxes?
If anyone has any ideas they would like to contribute I would like to hear them.
Future plans include:
Fixing rattles
Larger Box
Stainless Steel Metric Mounting hardware so it doesn't rust and so I don't need to carry more tools.
Quick Release instead of nuts so I could take it with me easier.
Stronger mounting - Bracket instead of bolts.
Decals Reflective
LED lighting.
Tie Downs
Trays to organize stuff.
10-23-2006, 09:50 AM
A very dirty BMW with ammo can panniers. It's 20mm can I think. ( ( (
10-23-2006, 07:28 PM
Some Photos
I barely got home in time to find a sunny spot so the light isn't that great. Hopefully you can see well enough to get the general idea. I would like to move them back some and closer to the seat but this will take some time to design and some welding.
The boxes definitely need to be larger. As you can see in one of the photos my rain suit completely fills one of the cans.
The handles rattle when the road is rough. I'll need to do something about that.
Haha, thats pretty awesome Bob. Great work on those! Are you going to paint them to match the bike once you get it all how you want it?
10-24-2006, 05:45 AM
Yes, I plan to paint them. Right now I'm thinking just some glossy black with some reflective decals. I have those on my one of my helmets and they really light up in head lights. That sparkly Suzuki black might be hard to do in my garage. When I came up with this idea I wanted to leave them green with the 50cal stencil on the outside. I never could find one that had not been painted over.
10-26-2006, 01:54 AM
Love the .50 Cal ammo cans on the bike Bob. They're the perfect size for the GZ250. I will be heading out the military surplus store this weekend to get me some. Wish I would have saved a bunch of them when I was in the service. Would definately know how you mounted them once you get a final setup.
10-26-2006, 06:08 AM
The small Harbor Freight tool bags (on sale now for $3.99) are a perfect fit for the 50cal cans. They are almost exactly the same dimensions as the in side of the box. Stops the rattle from hard objects in the boxes and lets me just reach in and grab all the contents and go. If you hace a sissy bar and need more room you can hang the tool bag from the handles no tie downs required.
You might want to look at SAW (Squad Automatic Weapon) boxes. These are a bit larger. A gallon milk jug will fit in to one.
You are going to love how easy it is to get into these. Beats the hell ot of velcro and zippers.
10-26-2006, 11:46 PM
Gee, that looks pretty cool. The black with the green works as it is. I have a hard time adding stuff to my bike, I like what a bike looks like alone the best. I usually ride with a webbed extra helmet tie down holding a 6-pack cooler bag with the stuff I need. That way, when I dont need anything, the bike is plain. Most things I add are hidden or REALLY needed. I would love to add a windshield, and BadBob you got in one of these photos, is the windshield I want! Is it quick to remove and attach? One of the ways to stop the handle from rattlin' is to keep it in the upright position. That wouldnt look bad in my opinion either.
10-26-2006, 11:48 PM
Heck, I even have removed the rear seat on many occasions. I plan to fill in the hole and permantly remove it. Noone I know can sit there anyway.
10-27-2006, 05:33 AM
Gee, that looks pretty cool. The black with the green works as it is. I have a hard time adding stuff to my bike, I like what a bike looks like alone the best. I usually ride with a webbed extra helmet tie down holding a 6-pack cooler bag with the stuff I need. That way, when I dont need anything, the bike is plain. Most things I add are hidden or REALLY needed.
Then you will probably like Bungee Nuts (
10-27-2006, 06:02 AM
Gee, that looks pretty cool. The black with the green works as it is. I have a hard time adding stuff to my bike, I like what a bike looks like alone the best. I usually ride with a webbed extra helmet tie down holding a 6-pack cooler bag with the stuff I need. That way, when I dont need anything, the bike is plain. Most things I add are hidden or REALLY needed.
Then you will probably like Bungee Nuts ( They replace the acorn nuts on your fender and shock bolts. Very easy to connect bungees especially tho type with the ball and loop designed for holding down tarps.
10-27-2006, 06:03 AM
I prefer to ride the bike with nothing on it at all. I don't even like the sissy bar. However, for me this is not practical. If you only ride on weekends when the weather is nice, don't get to far from home, never go shopping on your bike, and don't stray to far from the beaten path this works. I ride every day weather and circumstances permitting. I ride pretty far off the beaten path. In spite of what the phone companies say most cell phones do not work very far out side of densely populated areas or major highways. If you have a flat you fix it yourself on the side of the road or get ready to do some serious walking. I take long rides occasionally. As much as 475 miles in a day so far. I need to carry tools and parts as well as rain gear clothing in some sort of secure lockable storage that can't be easily be removed with out tools. For commuting I want easy access I don't want to spend 40 minutes a day loading and unloading my bike. After trying lots of stuff I decided that this was the way to go. So far its working well except that the boxes are to small. My rain gear completely fills one box. I ride in the rain.
Why not adapt plastic boxes? There are plastic boxes available but after reading some stories about what happens to them when they hit the ground I decided that this was not a solution. They break spilling your gear and they are expensive. Sometimes very expensive.
Why not leather? Expensive! Not lockable. Not capable of carrying much weight. High maintenance. Can't keep the rain out of them.
10-27-2006, 06:10 AM
I would love to add a windshield, and BadBob you got in one of these photos, is the windshield I want!
I can't recommend this windshield. It's a Suzuki shield that came with the bike. Its annoying to adjust it and quick removal is not one its better points. It began cracking in less than six months and is now cracked in several places. It doesn't keep the wind off you very well. Most any after market windshield will work better and be lots cheaper. Check out National Cycle.
10-27-2006, 06:16 AM
One of the ways to stop the handle from rattlin' is to keep it in the upright position. That wouldnt look bad in my opinion either.
The handles are not what is rattling. The contents rattle. I fixed this by using tool bags to line the box. Any sort of padding would probably work. The other thing that rattles is those bag supports hitting the box. Bumpers would fix this but if I do the brackets like I hope to this will take care of itself.
11-06-2006, 11:34 AM
I isolated the rattle. Its caused by the saddle bag support. I inserting an LRF (Little Rubber Foot) between the support and the can stopped it. The handles rattle but only if you hit something large like a speed bump.
11-10-2006, 08:10 PM
I was a bit concerned about covering up my side marker reflectors with the dark green boxes I decided to add some. I found some reflectors for $1.94 and put them on the rear lower corners. They are the same shape as the stock ones but a bit bigger. I got to looking at all the flat space on these things and got to thinking that's a lot of paces to put lights and LEDs are small.
07-24-2007, 11:12 PM
I'm gonna do the ammo cans. Anyone got any info on how to put a lock on them?
07-25-2007, 06:41 AM
I did some thing similar to this. ... mocant.htm (
Use all stainless steel parts if you can get them.
Use SAW (Squad Automatic Weapon) boxes instead of 50BMG. They fit better and carry more.
Use lock nuts and RTV in everything that goes through the side of the box for security and waterproofing.
Replace fender bolts with bolts that have threads all the way to the head. Use long bolts and cut to fit after the box gets mounted.
Use regular nuts for spacers with the last one being a lock nut threaded on the bolt backwards.
Use fender washers coated with RTV inside and out.
Pad the bottom o f the box to prevent rattles when carrying small items.
Automotive fuel line makes a good cushion to prevent rattles.
07-28-2007, 03:37 PM
:rawk: I have looked at the army surplus store for three years and kept thinking, "how can I make that work?" "Will that work?" "Will it be too heavy." Anyway, good job.
Water Warrior 2
07-29-2007, 05:27 AM
Gotta love the durability of a steel box. I doubt any weight factor would be a problem for the bike unless riding 2 up and packing a lot of gear.
07-30-2007, 05:53 AM
I have a collection of photos of bikes with various ammo cans and an assortment of other containers attached to them. GZ250s, BMWs, KTMs, KLR560s, Honda Rebels, and even a Harley. Thye might give you som more ideas.
Weight isn't much of a problem so longs you don't carry any thing very heavy. Once you get over 20-30lbs you might want to consider building a rack. In my current method the only support is the fender bolts with a saddle bag support helping to prevent them from sagging under the weight.
I uses Tap Bolts to replace the fender bolts. These are threaded all the way to the head. Nuts are used as spacers to get it to the right spot and so I can easily remove them. I don't want to have to put my hand under the fender to get them off.
07-30-2007, 07:05 AM
Hey BadBob,
Are you the Robert in Tallahassee on the Honda Rebel forum also? If so, I will see you at the Franklin rally. I am riding my gz down from Indiana for the rally. I want to see those ammo cans and how you have them set up. Later
07-31-2007, 05:42 AM
Yep that would be me.
I'm a member of the 2500cc group and the GZ250 group on Yahoo.
I'm planning to go to this provided everyting works out at work.
Two GZ250s in a herd of Rebels.
08-02-2007, 08:12 AM
I wish I could find an Army Surplus around here. Used to find them everywhere but there are no longer any in my area. :-(
Unless someone knows of one in southern Indiana or Louisville, Ky?
08-02-2007, 08:31 AM
I've got the same problem In Tallahassee. There is only one and its not very good.
I get mine off ebay and at gun shows. At the larger gun shows there is just about always someone selling ammoc ans. SOmetime they are full of ammo and you have to shoot it all before you can use the can. :) Even paying the shipping cost its way cheaper to buy them on ebay than getting them at the local store. I bought a pallet full of 50BMG boxes from a guy about 200 miles form me. Including picking them up it only cost me me about $4.00 each.
08-02-2007, 11:09 AM
An Idea on how to make the ammo cans quickly removable so you can take them with you. on the inside of the box use a wing nut either welded or expoxied to a a fender washer. drill a small hole thru the bolt near the end for a locking pin so that the wing nuts don't rattle loose and fall off while you're riding. I may try this myself if I ever find the time.
08-02-2007, 11:48 AM
You carry tools right? Just take the nut off. If you carry a ratcheting wrench in the box you'll have them off in no time.
I've looked at all the common hardware available in my area and the best thing I could come up with was a clevis pin ( The problem I have with this is that it can't be made water tight. When you tighten the nut and washer and to have a gasket inside and out it seals. I've been through some heavy downpours and not got a drop inside.
What is really needed is an adjustable cam lock/latch. I know they make them but I can't find one. I probably don't have the name right.
08-02-2007, 12:02 PM
There might be something readily available in your area.
Some things I've seen used:
Tool Boxes
Dry Boxes
Rubermaid Day Packer (Top Box)
Equipment Cases From Harbor Freight
Hard Saddle bags made for another Bike just drill hole where you want them.
Pelican Boxes - Expensive but watter tight and warranted for life. for life.
Gun Cases - Hand Gun Size
If the back of the box is flat you can use it easy. If not you may need to do a bit of design and testing to get it mounted so its vertical.
You could even make them out of plywood. Yes I have seen this done.
I've been considering attempting to make something out of fiberglass but I have not figured out how to get it to seal yet.
08-02-2007, 01:33 PM
That gives me some ideas. Only problem is how to make it such that some punk doesn't walk by and walk off with your ammo can and it's contents.......
08-02-2007, 03:09 PM
The whole reason I went to the ammo cans was security. You can't cut it with a knife. Unless you have metal cutting tools your not going to get it off if its locked.
What ever kind of mount you use be sure you put the fasteners in the box and do what you can to keep them from turning.
I've though about drilling through the nut and bolt on the inside of the box and putting a piece of safety wire or a pin through it so there would be no chance of getting it off with a wrench. There is very little chance of getting it off now with all those lock nuts.
Some one who really wants whats in the ammo cans and has the time and the tools will get in. You can't stop that. Most thefts are crimes of opportunity. Snatch and grab some call it. If its difficult to get to get into your ammo cans they will go on to something easier. Locked ammo cans are definitely not easy to get open.
If you mount some 20mm cans they are not going to run far with your stuff. The cans empty weight 20lbs each.
09-10-2007, 07:11 PM
We went for a ride Sunday. After about an hour I spotted a shady spot to park and pulled over for a butt break and a drink of water. When I stopped I took my gloves off first and reached back to place them on tho p the right can and the dropped to the ground. The right SAW box was hanging by one bolt. The front bolt had snapped. I took th tool bag out and mounted it on the luggage rack with on of the bungee nets I carry and padded the end of the bolt with some tape. Then use two nylon cable ties to hold it up right. I put a little tape on the end of the bolt to protect the chrome. I should have taken a photo with the can dangling down but I didn't think about the camera until it was done. ( (
I rode 150 miles with the can tied on with cable ties.
I now carry a spare bolt and some nuts.
10-22-2007, 02:06 PM
well I got me some fat 50 cal. aka SAW boxes. I made some custom mounting brackets out of 3/16" Al. I wanted to move the cans back to where they are just in front of the rear turn signals. The mounting plate is attached to the 2 existing bolts and then the ammo can bolts to the plate so that I could mount it further toward the back. My design sacrificed the ability to quickly and easily remove the cans for simplicity. I still need to paint them and put locks on. I don't know how I got by without these. I'll post some pics when I get them off my camera and/or when I get them painted. If there's interest I'll write up a how to so that someone can easily copy my design.
10-24-2007, 04:23 PM
I have been thinking about BadBob's ammo can storage for a while. Your idea is an interesting twist, my concern is how moving the weight behind the rear axle effects the handling and stability of the bike. How far back is the center of the can from the axle center? BadBob's cans appear to be roughly centered over the axle. Your design seems to be shifting the weight fairly dramatically rearward - something I have heard can be dangerous.
Thanks for sharing.
Water Warrior 2
10-24-2007, 07:20 PM
Quimrider, I don't think the weight would be a problem unless the boxes were really loaded with heavy stuff like a lot of tools or a bunch of fresh steaks for a major BBQ. Whatever weight there is is lower than a passenger and only a little further back than a passenger. The GZ would probably easily carry 25 lbs per side in each box.
10-25-2007, 08:49 AM
I'm not really sure how far back they are, I"ll upload the pictures when I get home from work if I remember. If memory serves me right the center of the ammo can is roughly lined up with the base of the sissy bar.
Quite frankly I was surprised that I couldn't even tell they were there aerodynamically or weight wise. I could only see weight being remotely a problem if you were loading them with bricks. The heaviest thing I've carried was a gallon jug of water.
10-25-2007, 01:48 PM
Sounds good - I look forward to seeing the cans and your bracket design. Could be my next project, the slanted vinyl bags I currently have on there are fairly useless for carrying anything of size or value.
10-25-2007, 04:54 PM
here's my design for the mounting plate. My original design was for 5.25" x 1/4" thick Al. plate, but I modified it for the 5.5" x 3/16" that I found laying around.
The angled cut was to clear the shock absorber. If I remember I'll post the pictures when I get home. (
anybody want to buy my OEM suzuki saddle bag supports that I don't need any more? You don't need to flame me, I plan to post it in the for sale section when I get around to it.
10-27-2007, 10:50 PM
more fun with ammo cans ... er_mod_10/ (
10-28-2007, 10:57 PM
ok here's the pictures. I think they speak for themselves. Another deviation from my original plan was the location of the holes in the ammo cans. Originally I had planned to put the holes 4 in. from the top of can. However the throat on my punch was only 3 1/4" deep so the cans sit a little lower than originally planned. The one potential problem this presented was the front corner hitting the rear shock absorbers. they just barely touched when fully compressed. I used up all the wiggle room in the holes to adjust them so they would't hit the shocks. ask away if you have questions. ( ( ( ( (
I used 5/16" stainless fasteners:
main bolts were 3" long.
plate to can bolts were 3/4" long.
I used 3/4" diameter hex nuts as spacers. I used some foam rubber to fill in and keep the nut centered around the 5/16" bolt.
I would like to find something else to use as spacers that is slightly thinner but these will do for now.
I plan to paint the cans when I can find time and install some locks. I'll post updated pics then.
10-29-2007, 10:29 AM
Looks good!
11-04-2007, 06:18 AM
I upgraded to SAW boxes a few months back and never got around to post any photos. SAW boxes are much better then the 50BMG cans.
11-04-2007, 11:52 PM
Looks good. Hmmm lets see now... where can we mount 50mm guns on the GZ250?
11-10-2007, 08:54 AM
I don't think I could carry 50mm ammo. If there is any such thing. A 308 is 7.62mm.
Ural can be purchased with a rocket launcher:
11-12-2007, 08:45 AM
Awesome! I want one :-)
11-12-2007, 12:34 PM
I haven't heard about Urals in a long time. That gets me thinking. What would it take to get a side car on the GZ?
I love sidecars. (
11-12-2007, 01:25 PM
What would it take to get a side car on the GZ?
More Power! :lol:
11-14-2007, 06:04 AM
The side car might weigh more than the GZ250 Unless you went with one of those light weights like the racers use.
11-14-2007, 06:06 AM (
Great photo. I'm keeping this one. :)
04-28-2008, 04:27 PM
I finally got around to painting my ammo cans. I painted them a dark Charcoal/gunmetal color. My friend has a sign shop and has some reflective silver vinyl. I want to use that to increase visibility. Anyone got a suggestion as far as what kind of graphic I could make for these? I initially thought of a skull and cross bones, but I thought that would probably look silly.
That's a pretty cool idea!! On the Cheap too. I think I would paint them to match my bike
04-28-2008, 07:38 PM
I wanted to do that, but trying to match the red of my GZ would probably be difficult if not impossible.
I thought that if you brought a sample (not that you'd really chip it off your bike) they could get a pretty close match to about anything. What do I know, I'm no painter :roll:
04-29-2008, 08:11 AM
I'm sure a professional paint shop would have no problem matching it. I'm just not willing to spend that kind of money. I was only going to use spray paint. I had some spray on truck bed liner that I used to coat the inside. before that I had the original paint rubbing off on the things that I would carry.
04-29-2008, 08:33 AM
Why not spray the whole box, inside and out, with the truck bedliner. That would add some durability to the whole thing and look pretty good, if you get the kind with white flakes in it. Top it off with a big silver Suzuki "S" and you'll be set.
04-29-2008, 08:40 AM
I would have but since the bed liner is textured, the vinyl wouldn't stick to it.
D Futch
05-06-2008, 01:19 PM
:) I like this idea so munch I have allready made them for my new GZ I used the SAW cans and the bracket that Quimrider made. I did turn my latches to the fron and put some lights on the back and hooked to the brake light!! Anyhow THANKS for the great idea!!!
05-06-2008, 04:11 PM
Hey Dutch,
Let us see a photo. I'm archiving them and it would be a great addition to the ammo can section
turbo chicken
05-07-2008, 10:40 AM
something to put cargo in is my next purchase... looks like this fits the bill.. except... i want to remove the rear seat and put a single can there...
and i was thinking plasti dip for the whole can :D .... oh the search is on ... and there's several armynavy stores close by... and even a "real" surplus wharehouse within driving distance.
05-07-2008, 11:21 AM
D Futch,
I realized too late that it would have been more convenient to have the latches up front. The ammo cans are cheap enuff maybe I'll buy another pair and do those that way.
05-07-2008, 04:13 PM
something to put cargo in is my next purchase... looks like this fits the bill.. except... i want to remove the rear seat and put a single can there...
and i was thinking plasti dip for the whole can :D .... oh the search is on ... and there's several armynavy stores close by... and even a "real" surplus wharehouse within driving distance.
This won't be as cheap as luggage boxes. But, if you want a single storage device on the rear, check this out:
D Futch
05-07-2008, 06:38 PM
I am waiting on some decals to finish them off then I will try to post some pics
turbo chicken
05-08-2008, 12:09 AM
anyone think these will work for the cans?
trying to do as little fabrication as possible :D
rusty rider
05-08-2008, 06:27 AM
I used those brackets on my bike for my saddle bags. I had to grind them down quite a bit in order for the bolts to go through the inside of fender and support. Once I had them ground down they worked fine.
05-08-2008, 04:20 PM ... -made.html (
turbo chicken
05-09-2008, 10:36 AM
here's some more supports as well.... these seem a little more easy to make...
are supports really necessary on a steel box that isn't going to flex?
i thought about getting some 1/4" thick steel bar the length of the 2 holes and use it as support for the holes in the cans... it would add some structural ingegrity to the wall right there and i think possibly even negate the need to supports...
what do you guys think...
05-09-2008, 04:33 PM
Sure they are going to be rigid but you also don't want to rely on the integrity of a single mount or bracket incase something bends of breaks. I would opt for the supports if you want something that will last.
D Futch
05-31-2008, 11:00 AM
Here is the pictures of my ammo can bags. I added brake lights, and a luggage rack made out of some scrap, diamond plate that I had laying around. ( ( ( ( ( (
05-31-2008, 12:30 PM
Those look great. How did you mount the rear rack to the passenger seat?
Did you use that little bolt hole?
D Futch
05-31-2008, 04:01 PM
Yes I used the bolt hole at the rear of the seat, just got a longer one and put a spacer under the rack to make it as high as the seat and made some braces and bolted then to the cans for the rear of the rack. :)
06-18-2008, 06:50 AM
After breaking three bolts all of them on the rear of the bike I have ordered some grade 8 bolts to replace the cheap grade 2 bolts I used originally. The place I ordered them from doesn't think they will break but I'm not. I ordered two spares for my tool kit.
06-18-2008, 12:57 PM
I mounted 2 saw box cans very simply to the bag supports I put on the bike with 3 j-bolts around each support through holes drilled through the side of the can arranged in a triangle (front, rear and bottom),cut off the extra length of bolt inside the can and filed it smooth. So far, after a few hundred miles they are on solid with no rattles. The 6 j-bolts came from Ace hardware, galvanized (who knows how long they will last, but no rust yet after 5 months), and only cost about $3, and very easy to do with no fabricating of anything. I'll post a few pictures when I get the bike back from getting new tires installed. My tops hinge at the front, open to the rear, and I think it's easier to access the contents that way and is easier to access a lock if you put one on.
06-18-2008, 04:07 PM
Yes, please post the pics when you get a chance. Sounds like a very cool solution.
06-18-2008, 04:43 PM
I went to this site and found a myriad of ammo can sizes.
They are as follows:
30 cal = 10.5" x 4" x 7"
50 cal = 12" x 6" x 7.5"
Saw Box = 12" x 6.75" x 8.5"
25mm = 12.5" x 5.5" x 14"
20mm = 17" x 7" x 15"
30mm = 18.5" x 9.5" x 14.5"
Looks like you can get just about any size you want. Does anyone have any thoughts what size will fit the best?
06-18-2008, 05:38 PM
Size depends on how much you want to carry.
I found the standard 50BMG to small and the SAW about right. As you go up in size the weight goes way up. The cans in the photo above weigh about 20lbs each. This would require a lot more than a few bolts to get them mounted so they would stay on the bike.
06-18-2008, 05:55 PM
I want to see that bike painted Army green, a white star on the side of the tank and a 15' CB antenna whipping off the back.
06-18-2008, 06:03 PM
Which cans are those? Also, which cans did you have on your GZ?
06-18-2008, 06:11 PM
I have SAW boxes now. I started with 50BMG because I had lots of them.
The cans on the Rebel are 20mm mortar.
06-18-2008, 06:15 PM
It's not the same bike but its OD green.
06-18-2008, 06:20 PM
I like the scale of the 20mm boxes, but it looks as though they will not fit the GZ with it's upturned exhaust. How much clearance is there between your Saw Boxes and the muffler. Does the box heat up? And approx. how much does each can weigh?
I know this is beating the proverbial DH.
06-18-2008, 06:42 PM
I'm guessing the SAW boxes weight four pounds.
There is plenty of room for a SAW box.
No heat problems at all. My wife has bags made of some synthetic material that are closer to the exhaust and do not have any heat problems I tink that if it doesn't touch your OK.
D Futch
06-18-2008, 07:34 PM
I used the SAW box on mine and they work very well the size is good and you can put a good amount of stuff in them. pic's on page 5
06-20-2008, 09:16 AM
I like the SAW boxes. If you're interested look back thru this thread, I made a custom bracket to mount the ammo cans further toward the back. The SAW boxes conveniently fit a 1 gallon jug of milk with room to spare.
06-26-2008, 11:51 AM
Here's the pictures of how I mounted my Saw cans to the GZ saddlebag supports.
I used three J bolts obtained from the local hardware store for each side mounted in a triangle bolted through the inner side of each box around the support. They've been on for about 200 miles, are very solidly attached, and do not rattle at all. The hardware was maybe $3 or so and haven't rusted at all yet and if they ever do, will be real easy and cheap to replace. I sealed it on the inside with polyurethane caulk underneath the washer and nut and they do not leak at all. Cut off the end of the bolt and file it smooth to avoid cutting or scratching anything inside. The end of the bolts and nuts don't take up any significant amount of room inside the can.
Also, the next to last picture shows what I use to secure my helmet on the bike, better than to the chin strap lock - it is with a firearm trigger lock (obtainable for free from most law enforcement agencies, like the local police dept.). Place the helmet on the sissy bar, loop the cable through the chin guard of the helmet and through the sissy bar and no one will steal your helmet unless they cut the cable. The helmet also sits there very nicely and nothing gets scratched, or wet if it rains. ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
06-26-2008, 06:06 PM
I never that of mounting them this way. Of course, I don't have any Suzuki supports. I will be interesting to see how this mounting system holds up.
07-01-2008, 05:45 PM
Here is a thread in another forum that shows how to mount mermite cans on a bike. I hope that I can post links. If not, sorry. I'll re-read the forum rules. ... rmite+cans (
My husband is thinking of doing this. A lot bigger than ammo cans. And stock they have three smaller cans in them to store stuff.
07-08-2008, 06:03 AM
Here is a thread in another forum that shows how to mount mermite cans on a bike. I hope that I can post links. If not, sorry. I'll re-read the forum rules. ... rmite+cans (
My husband is thinking of doing this. A lot bigger than ammo cans. And stock they have three smaller cans in them to store stuff.
Mermite cans on a GZ250? I'd sure like to see that done.
There are lots of ammo cans that are larger than those we have used on our GZ250s. Some of them may even be larger than a Mermite can.
07-08-2008, 08:31 AM
Sorry, my husband wants to put mermite cans on his KLR. Not my GZ. I have Suzuki bags coming. They were backordered. I think they would be way too big for my little 250.
07-08-2008, 12:34 PM
Sorry, my husband wants to put mermite cans on his KLR. Not my GZ. I have Suzuki bags coming. They were backordered. I think they would be way too big for my little 250.
You could park it in one of them.
07-08-2008, 06:54 PM
At least it would be covered and out of the rain. :) Yeah, they are a bit big. I seen the picture and told him they would never fit. They would severely limit my turning. But, I wouldn't need to put down the sidestand, either. lol.
07-09-2008, 06:19 AM
Sorry, my husband wants to put mermite cans on his KLR. Not my GZ. I have Suzuki bags coming. They were backordered. I think they would be way too big for my little 250.
I'm interested in seeing any do it yourself or commercial mount of any type of container on any bike. I get ideas from their postings. I have looked at lots of them.
07-11-2008, 09:31 AM
not to offend anyone who likes the idea of ammo cans on there bike. but i find them quite tacky. make the bike look like it should have been in the show mash when that was on. But by all means if you like it the more power to you we are not all the same
Easy Rider
07-11-2008, 09:44 AM
but i find them quite tacky.
Good. Now YOU can take the flack. :cry:
I agree but didn't think that anything useful would be accomplished by actually SAYING it. :oops:
Kind of like saying: "Hey man, your wife, she is really UGLY!! :lol:
07-11-2008, 09:46 AM
ha i would never say that one thats terrible. remember true beauty in in the poor drunk guy who thought it would be fun
07-11-2008, 01:45 PM
Good. Now YOU can take the flack. :cry:
I agree but didn't think that anything useful would be accomplished by actually SAYING it. :oops:
Kind of like saying: "Hey man, your wife, she is really UGLY!! :lol:
'Yeah, she's ugly, but she sho' can cook, baby....' :2tup:
07-11-2008, 01:49 PM
putting ammo cans for saddle bags is like riding a fat chick its all fun and games until your buddies find out then you are just g#y
07-11-2008, 01:54 PM
putting ammo cans for saddle bags is like riding a fat chick its all fun and games until your buddies find out then you are just g#y
On the other hand, though, they're very cheap, extremely durable, and air/water tight. It's all about where your personal balance lies between look and function.
07-11-2008, 02:19 PM
this is a true fact. i do have ammo cans but i use them for my hunting stuff. of course i also use my gz as an off road bike because my truck is too loud and the civic is too low but as for me i guess being younger of course i have no idea what the median age of people being on this board i like to stick with style. i hang out with alot of older people that ride harleys so i gota look good or i make them look bad. its bad enough going to a bike rally and being the only import bike there but being an import and looking bad yep looks like a certain way to get your a!! kicked
07-11-2008, 03:11 PM
Kind of like saying: "Hey man, your wife, she is really UGLY!! :lol:
'Yeah, she's ugly, but she sho' can cook, baby....' :2tup:
If you want to be happy for the rest of your life,
never make a pretty bike your ride,
take it from my personal point of view,
get some ugly ammo can saddlebags too.
07-11-2008, 04:02 PM
i've owned the bike for 8 years now and a backpack is just so much better because even riding through rain at 75mph my back is always dry and if it does happen 2 get wet well everything is replaceable
07-11-2008, 04:05 PM
anyways guys glad you like your can bags atleast now on the road when i see a gz with ammo cans i can say hey that guys on the forum pretty cool huh anyways we are about to head to texas in the gz for the weekend should be a nice 3 hour journey. See you guys monday :rawk:
07-11-2008, 07:34 PM
I don't have them on my GZ. My husband wants to put them on his KLR. I think it looks better on his bike than on my GZ. I ordered saddlebags that are factory fit for it. And the mounting brackets to go with. But, he likes the idea of a lockable, waterproof container on his dual sport bike. I guess they are perfect for a bike like that.
Easy Rider
07-11-2008, 07:43 PM
i like to stick with style.
How about showing a little "style" and using something a little closer to standard format for your written style.
It's kind of hard to READ with no caps and little punctuation. :cuss:
07-11-2008, 08:00 PM
It's kind of hard to READ with no caps and little punctuation. :cuss:
It fits with the stylish attitude of pissing all over everyone else's stuff.
07-12-2008, 01:20 PM
but i find them quite tacky.
I generally don't reply to flame bait but in this case I just can't control myself.
This is the first negative comment I ever heard heard about ammo can panniers. There are photos taken by other riders posted to other forums of my ammo cans that have very favorable comments some even go so far as to think they are cool. Face to face I have never had anything but good comments. Usually along the lines of "What a great idea." I once had a mailman chase me down to tell me how great he thought they were and tell me stories about dragging them through the jungles of Asia when he was in the Marine Corp. It kind of worried me to have a mail truck following me around blowing the horn. :)
I don't want a Harley. If I got one for free I would only take it and sell it to get something I wanted. I don't want to emulate a Harley rider. I don't want to be around Harley's. (Mostly because of the noise.) I don't hang out. I don't dress up and ride to bike night at hooters an stand around in my costume trying to look cool to a bunch of other people who are there to trying to look cooler than me. (You can do that every night of the week here.) Not that I care if people do that but I do get tired of being lumped in with them. I have a motorcycle to ride not to play dress-up. As such everything on my motorcycle must first be functional then inexpensive, last and least cool and/or fashionable. Yep, there some poser in all of us so if it looks good that's OK but not very important.
The ammo cans suit my needs perfectly. They are rugged, cheap, watertight, and and more secure than any thing I can buy specifically made for a motorcycle without spending close to $1,000 plus the cost of a new motorcycle because none of these systems are made to fit a GZ250. The cost to me to install these was less than $10 because I got the SAW boxes at no cost. They are water tight and can be air tight if you seal the holes well enough with RTV and/or gaskets. No rain has ever got into my ammo cans even in driving rain storms, not a drop. A thief is going to have to bring cutting tools to get into ammo can panniers. If they are mounted properly you can't get them off without breaking into the cans or cutting the bolts. Some of the plastic bags sold for motorcycles are removable with your bare hands. Some will break and spill your stuff all over if you should drop the bike on them. Any handy blunt instrument (hammer,rock, brick) will get into one of these with a single properly placed blow. Plastic bags are designed to look cool not be functional. The rectangular shape of an ammo can makes it very easy to load and retrieve your stuff and a SAW box is almost the ideal size. I have tool bags that fit perfectly in them with just enough head room left over for a pair of gloves or a full size handgun. If your into looking cool then ammo cans probably are not for you. If you want something functional, cheap, water tight, and secure ammo can panniers may be the only solution that works for you and your GZ250.
My bike works for a living. It is a two wheeled utility vehicle that gets me to work every day, takes me on camping trips, sightseeing trips and just happens to be fun to ride at the same time. It was never intended to be a fashion statement. Ammo cans are a perfect fit for me and its just possible that they are a perfect fit for others. So we share what information we have for these few that want march to a different drum.
If I had the money to spare and a rack was available I would go for some of these:
Pelican Cases have the added advantage of being practically indestructible and side opening means I can get to the contents without unloading the bike.
Yep, these are tacky too.
07-12-2008, 01:33 PM
I'm responding to this topic using GodZuki's account. I am her husband. Yes, I want ammo cans on my KLR. I would love a set of Mermites, but they are hard to find in my area and I really don't want to pay an arm and a leg for shipping. I think they are absolutely the best option for secure, waterproof storage on a KLR. I know this is the GZ forum and this thread started out as a GZ topic, but, ammo cans can be put on any bike. There are big enough ones that would fit on a Harley, but what Harley owner would put them on? I would if owned one.
There are numerous options for locking the cans. They are all but bulletproof. A little paint or bedliner material and you are good to go. Gives a nice flat surface for mounting reflectors, auxilliary lights, whatever you need to mount. You can put some eyebolts in the lid to tie down anything that won't fit inside the can; like a spare jacket, raingear, small duffel bag, or any number of items. I am personally looking for a surplus night vision case to mount to my rear rack for a trunk. They are usually plastic, but, same goes for them. Lockable, watertight, etc. And besides, surplus is cheap.
Sorry to jack the thread and make it about my bike. Don't tell GodZuki, she is working. She won't let me put them on her GZ, even though I bought it for her. About the tacky comment, I don't think ammo cans are tacky. I think they add character and make your bike stand out from everyone else's. If all bikes looked alike, then what fun would that be? Make it your own. Do something a little different.
Back to ammo cans on a GZ. Thanks for letting me get my $.02 in.
07-12-2008, 02:07 PM
Don't worry about hijacking I got my first ideas from reading about mounting cans on KLRs.
Character? Oh yeah they do add that. They make you stand out in a crowd too. I have the only bike around my area I have seen that has ammo cans on it. It's real easy for people who know me to spot my bike.
I've got LED lights and tie downs already to go. The only thing that is holding me back is that I haven't yet got the mounting down like I want it. I keep breking the rear bolts. I have installed grade eight bolts that the guy at Fastenal <sp> told me would not break. I'm waiting for my confidence to build up before I start adding more stuff.
They also fit my definition of custom. "If your not cutting, welding, or drilling it's not customizing its accessorizing."
music man
07-12-2008, 05:22 PM
Badbob I personally think that your ammo cans ARE COOL, the only people that Wouldn't think that a very cheap, very secure , very waterproof way to carry your stuff on your bike are Poseurs. So keep on truckin with your ammo cans, I am trying to locate me some around that size as we speak, Tired of the backpack and the almost non-existent storage under the seat.
Later :rawk:
07-12-2008, 08:22 PM
I generally don't reply to flame bait but in this case I just can't control myself.
In reply to this repsonse, I'm gonna back up Bob. Ammo cans are a extremely functional and that's really what's important.
07-12-2008, 08:48 PM
I generally don't reply to flame bait but in this case I just can't control myself.
In reply to this repsonse, I'm gonna back up Bob. Ammo cans are a extremely functional and that's really what's important.
If you are really that concerned with your image, then the GZ250 probably isn't the bike for you anyway. ;)
As soon as I can find some spare change I'm going to try to fabricate myself some ammo can saddlebags myself.
07-13-2008, 12:51 AM
Badbob I personally think that your ammo cans ARE COOL, the only people that Wouldn't think that a very cheap, very secure , very waterproof way to carry your stuff on your bike are Poseurs.
Im a poser. I don't like them. I won't put them on my bike. But then my bike in not my mode of daily transportation. It is for fun on the weekends to get away from daily life and have some fun. So far its perfect couldn't be happer with any other bike. I have done some things to my bike which some people here have had a few issues with but so what. Its my bike and I have made it look like I want it to look like. I don't want it to look tacky (hence the reason I won't mount these things). I want the cool enjoy life look. That is what is so great about motorcycles. They can be many different things to different people. For me fun and only fun. For people like Badbob and others it is there way of life and they depend on it on a completely different way than I do.
primal, what is wrong with a cool image on a GZ? Sure its not the biggest, baddest bike on the streets. Its not the $50,000+ full custom chopper but I think my GZ looks pretty damn cool. I feel cool on it. If it wasn't for my full face helmet you could see the smile on my face from ear to ear. I have a blast on my GZ. I have done a little bit of accessorizing (I agree with Badbob on his customizing comment) to make my GZ look cool (at least to me and that is all that matters).
My point here is to watch the name calling. I didn't do anything to you to deserve being called a poser.
07-13-2008, 01:27 AM
Don't get me wrong, all motorcycles are cool! Perhaps I made a rash generalization in saying that, but it seems like people who are preoccupied with looking "cool" are the same ones that buy a Harley and play dress up for bike nights. I freely admit I feel waaay cooler on my GZ250 than I ever do driving my car, and that's with my wearing my crotch rocket jacket and gloves and my full face helmet. In fact, as I was riding the other day, I looked over at my shadow and thought, "Dang! Now THAT'S cool." There's nothing in the world like a silhouette of you riding your bike...
07-13-2008, 04:24 AM
Opinion: one of the reasons i (and others) follow this group is that you get a chance to see and read about inovations others have adapted to the GZ. If its cool or not is a personal opinion ... Some people live for cool and other (as in me )could care less about cool. If some one shares an idea they sould be congratulated not faulted ... if it works for you great and if it does not .. well what the heck have you lost ... nothing.
Bottom line is that we should applaud the inovators and not discourage them. I want to see and read about ANYTHING that ANYONE has done to their bike. I love my little bike and DID choose it over the other "cool" bikes available.
music man
07-13-2008, 07:57 AM
Badbob I personally think that your ammo cans ARE COOL, the only people that Wouldn't think that a very cheap, very secure , very waterproof way to carry your stuff on your bike are Poseurs.
Im a poser. I don't like them. I won't put them on my bike. But then my bike in not my mode of daily transportation. It is for fun on the weekends to get away from daily life and have some fun. So far its perfect couldn't be happer with any other bike. I have done some things to my bike which some people here have had a few issues with but so what. Its my bike and I have made it look like I want it to look like. I don't want it to look tacky (hence the reason I won't mount these things). I want the cool enjoy life look. That is what is so great about motorcycles. They can be many different things to different people. For me fun and only fun. For people like Badbob and others it is there way of life and they depend on it on a completely different way than I do.
primal, what is wrong with a cool image on a GZ? Sure its not the biggest, baddest bike on the streets. Its not the $50,000+ full custom chopper but I think my GZ looks pretty damn cool. I feel cool on it. If it wasn't for my full face helmet you could see the smile on my face from ear to ear. I have a blast on my GZ. I have done a little bit of accessorizing (I agree with Badbob on his customizing comment) to make my GZ look cool (at least to me and that is all that matters).
My point here is to watch the name calling. I didn't do anything to you to deserve being called a poser.
I apologize for making it sound like that Rayzuki. what I meant and SHOULD have said was people who would downgrade someone else for having something as practical as the ammo can saddlebags on their bike just cause they don't "look cool" are Posers. I never meant to offend people like you who just don't personally like them on their bike. I meant to offend people who don't like anyone who shows their individuality and most of all ingenuity to have something like this and would rather insult them then to either say NOTHING at all or to give them props for having them. :oops:
P.S. now I hijacked badbobs ammo can thread to rant. sorry badbob
07-13-2008, 11:40 AM
I can't speak for anyone else but I'm not offended. :)
07-13-2008, 12:55 PM
I am a firm believer in complimenting someone on a great idea or job well done. I also do not speak negatively toward someone about something I don't like. I will offer a simple "looks good" and keep the negative to myself. I don't see the need in taking away someone thunder for doing something they are proud of just because I don't like it. Everyone has their own opinions and what looks good to one may not to another
music man....apology accepted.
07-13-2008, 11:02 PM
Just an idea, BadBob. Would the stock saddlebag brackets work for mounting the ammo cans better? Maybe less chance for the rear bolts to break. When mine get here, I'll have my husband look at them and see if he thinks they would support ammo cans.
07-14-2008, 09:55 AM
Check out how I mounted mine to the brackets, with pictures, a few pages back. Real simple, cheap, and so far very secure.
07-15-2008, 06:02 AM
Just an idea, BadBob. Would the stock saddlebag brackets work for mounting the ammo cans better? Maybe less chance for the rear bolts to break. When mine get here, I'll have my husband look at them and see if he thinks they would support ammo cans.
I am using saddle bag supports. However, the bolts are carrying the weight and they have to be long enough to clear the shocks.
The extra nuts are spacers plus they allow me to remove the cans without a bunch of loose parts to keep track of.
07-15-2008, 06:19 AM
The extra nuts are spacers plus they allow me to remove the cans without a bunch of loose parts to keep track of.
They also strengthen the bolts and help distribute the load more evenly. Nice job.
07-15-2008, 01:19 PM
Ok maybe we have now had enough of bashing my tacky comment. Which i still hold true to my comment and next time read it that was just my thought. As i was reading all of your comments about how functional this cans are i thought hmmmmmmmm. Well i need functionality what do i need and a motorcycle was not it in the functionality department so i went out and bought me a crown vic poilce interceptor and a pick up truck. Now there is function. One thing motorcycly have never been is a good place to store all of your crap. If they were meant for that then they would come with a trunk hence the golwing. They were almost always built for pleasure they will never haul your buddys car home. You will never load all your stuff from your house on it and move to another state. You will never haul a rick of wood with it. Do you get it yet guys huh well do ya you wanted to hammer on one mans oppion now open you eys and read they arent and will never be you suv. I personally dont care what you do to your bikes i really dont in fact if you want i have on old 77 ford pickup bed you can strap to the back. So now all the people i have offened please fire back with your hurt pride and your school yard antics
07-15-2008, 01:28 PM i went out and bought me a crown vic poilce interceptor and a pick up truck. Now there is function.
Do you need links to some Crown Vic and pick up truck forums? ;)
music man
07-15-2008, 01:34 PM
Ok maybe we have now had enough of bashing my tacky comment. Which i still hold true to my comment and next time read it that was just my thought. As i was reading all of your comments about how functional this cans are i thought hmmmmmmmm. Well i need functionality what do i need and a motorcycle was not it in the functionality department so i went out and bought me a crown vic poilce interceptor and a pick up truck. Now there is function. One thing motorcycly have never been is a good place to store all of your crap. If they were meant for that then they would come with a trunk hence the golwing. They were almost always built for pleasure they will never haul your buddys car home. You will never load all your stuff from your house on it and move to another state. You will never haul a rick of wood with it. Do you get it yet guys huh well do ya you wanted to hammer on one mans oppion now open you eys and read they arent and will never be you suv. I personally dont care what you do to your bikes i really dont in fact if you want i have on old 77 ford pickup bed you can strap to the back. So now all the people i have offened please fire back with your hurt pride and your school yard antics
I don't really even know what to say to this comment without provoking more mindless dribble from you but here goes. I haven't been a member of this site for long but I have been getting on here for months and reading tips, tricks, mods and just general friendly banter, but I have never seen not one person on here purposely try to be spiteful, hateful or make any commentary just to provoke a reaction from the extremely knowledgeable and most importantly friendly people on here.
And sadly I have just furthered your cause by remarking at all but I just couldn't help myself in this particular instance, but that is also why I won't bother to ACTUALLY RESPOND to the details of your post, just to say that you are wasting valuable space that could be used to at least TRY to say something useful.
Hopefully not Later:tdown:
07-15-2008, 01:36 PM
To strn365;
Relax brother. We don't want you to have a stroke. You really are amongst friends here.
07-15-2008, 01:59 PM
i wasnt trying to stoke out. it wasnt even the point of the whole ammo can saddle bags things. Granted it is an ingenious idea. It was the fact that i offered an my two cents and it was hammered like a bunch of school children. now lets all calm down now and no i do not need links to crown vic and truck forums i am completly cabable of working and fixing them when that time arrives.
07-15-2008, 02:19 PM
They were almost always built for pleasure they will never haul your buddys car home. ... retriever/ (
i wasnt trying to stoke out. it wasnt even the point of the whole ammo can saddle bags things. Granted it is an ingenious idea. It was the fact that i offered an my two cents and it was hammered like a bunch of school children.
Except the only reason you posted a reply was to criticize. And it wasn't even constructive criticism. Its okay that you don't like them, really, but why bother voicing that opinion when no one was trying to force you to install these on your bike? It seems like you were just being a troll...
07-15-2008, 02:28 PM
Because if no one ever voiced there opinion then the world would be a very dull place now wouldnt it.
music man
07-15-2008, 02:32 PM
Hey Primal I like that. A freakin goldwing tow truck, can you imagine telling someone your truck broke down and a motorcycle towed you, they would probably tell you you were crazy. :tup:
07-15-2008, 02:39 PM
ok and as for towing your buddies car home i can make anything move you never have to worry about getting an object on wheels to move what you have to worry about is that wonderful 5500 lb volvo sitting behind you and the moron the just slammed on his brakes in front of you. An object in motion tends to stay in motion unless acted upon by by an equal or opposite force and let me tell you what you dont have near the force to stop that car as quick as you need to but please by all means buy it and use it i will be the next person you see i will hook both you bike and that volvo that you just had to carry with a bike up to my 5.4l v8 truck and pull you both home. Your like an okie primal hey yall i got me this here 4x4 i can go really fast on the snow but guess what you still cant stop
07-15-2008, 02:58 PM
I'm probably going to get flamed for saying this because it derails the thread even further, but seriously man, do you even KNOW how to properly punctuate a sentence? I counted two periods, three if you count the decimal.
You're going to have a hard time defending yourself and making a point if you force people to actually try to decipher that "electronic chicken scratch" you just posted...
07-15-2008, 03:14 PM
i am going for the worlds longest sentence
07-15-2008, 08:36 PM
Let's not get ahead of ouselves. Plenty of people the world over use two wheels for hauling all kinds of different things. It's completely possible to haul furniture of all sorts from one place to another without the use of a car. The reason that small displacement motorcycles, and other light transport, are not commonplace in the United States is partly due to the point of the view that you raised about motorcycling, or other forms of two wheeled transportation, not being utilitarian. (
07-15-2008, 09:21 PM
The reason that small displacement motorcycles, and other light transport, are not commonplace in the United States is partly due to the point of the view that you raised about motorcycling, or other forms of two wheeled transportation, not being utilitarian.
Also, the distance between most points of destination are much longer than most other countries.
07-16-2008, 08:45 AM
Also, the distance between most points of destination are much longer than most other countries.
That's true too. Part of the problem is that we built our infrastructure based on that idea. That's why we hold on to our cars so tightly. We feel that we "need" them to get anywhere.
Still, most people, in the states too, live within 10 miles of work. 10 miles is well within range for the average person on a bicycle. A motorcycle just makes it that much faster.
07-16-2008, 09:11 AM
You can haul lots of things on two wheels.
Some examples: ( ( ( ( (
I have also seen a load of fire wood, four 40 pound bags of charcoal, an air compressor, chickens, and hogs.
You could move lots of things you just have to be creative. Knot tying skills would also be of some benifit,
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