View Full Version : Petcock leaky

07-06-2021, 12:17 AM
I am relaying my experiences, not asking for help. My petcock was leaking and a previous owner had attempted a repair using some kind of goop. I followed advice from somewhere (possibly here?) and bought a cheap on-off-reserve petcock without the vacuum feature, that I think is for a Yamaha ATV. Anyway, this overwhelmed the float needle and the carb would just overflow horribly. So I bought a proper rebuild kit from Dennis Kirk that was Parts Unlimited branded, and reasonable quality and rebuilt the original, and everything is working as it should now. So I would recommend to anyone with a problematic petcock to just fork over the money for a proper rebuild kit, and not mess with replacement petcocks designed for other applications.
Oh, and thanks for the forum in general for providing a great resource for these neat little bikes.