View Full Version : spark but no start

03-09-2021, 11:26 AM
Hi all.
I am brand new to the forum.
I replaced the alternator on my grandson's gz. When I got it back together it will not start. The spark plug fires but no start. I thought it must be the igniter but I ordered a used one from the net and same thing. Any help would be appreciated and thanks.

03-22-2021, 08:22 AM
Keep it simple.

Either fuel or fire to get most any engine to run. If you are getting a nice blue spark, spray a tiny squirt of starting fluid in the airbox with filter removed. A TINY squirt. If she sputters and tries to start you have a fuel delivery problem.
Dont spray any more in there. it wont fix anything. If you dont want to try start fluid can try a bit of raw fuel instead. Keep a towel nearby in case anything backfires and tries to catch fire.

Keep any bottles or such away when trying to start her of course. Wear safety glasses too.

Let us know of any updates plz