09-08-2020, 01:53 AM
Hi y'all. First time posting! I just bought an 07 GZ250 for $600 with the hopes of getting it back on the road, but I suspect it has some wiring issues. Here is what I know so far (just picked it up today)
When I turn on the key with the bike in neutral, I dont have a neutral light, but my headlights AND turn signals are on. Turn signals work and rear brake works, although the lamp on the dash does not light up with the signals.
When I push the start button absolutely nothing happens. It doesn't crank, nothing. I also noticed the front brake switch is not engaging the brake light. I checked the fuses and charged the battery. I noticed a cut wire near the kickstand with a wire nut on the end. It is fairly thin with two wires inside that I assumed was some bypass for the kickstand switch. Perhaps this has something to do with it? I have some experience wrenching, but I haven't tackled much electrical so this is new for me!
I plan to go through with a multi meter and cleaning up some connections, and I am digesting the wiring diagram slowly, but thought I would start here in case someone else has the same issue. PO told me he could get it to start by jumping it, but by bypassing the switches somehow, I think he said he bridged the starter relay??
Do the GZ's turn signals stay on continuously like that or is there a fault in the wiring? I appreciate any help! Thanks in advance!
When I turn on the key with the bike in neutral, I dont have a neutral light, but my headlights AND turn signals are on. Turn signals work and rear brake works, although the lamp on the dash does not light up with the signals.
When I push the start button absolutely nothing happens. It doesn't crank, nothing. I also noticed the front brake switch is not engaging the brake light. I checked the fuses and charged the battery. I noticed a cut wire near the kickstand with a wire nut on the end. It is fairly thin with two wires inside that I assumed was some bypass for the kickstand switch. Perhaps this has something to do with it? I have some experience wrenching, but I haven't tackled much electrical so this is new for me!
I plan to go through with a multi meter and cleaning up some connections, and I am digesting the wiring diagram slowly, but thought I would start here in case someone else has the same issue. PO told me he could get it to start by jumping it, but by bypassing the switches somehow, I think he said he bridged the starter relay??
Do the GZ's turn signals stay on continuously like that or is there a fault in the wiring? I appreciate any help! Thanks in advance!