View Full Version : Starter solenoid

08-29-2020, 03:22 PM
Well I’m getting this little bike back together. It had low miles and the PO tried to Hotwire because he lost the key. The starter solenoid had blown the 20 amp fuse. I replaced the ignition switch, battery, and fuse. I have checked and tested all fuses and connectors. Battery is at 12.8v. I turn the key and absolutely nothing! No sign of life. I checked continuity through the new switch all the way to the white connector on the solenoid. Red and black/white wires close when switch is made. I am thinking starter solenoid? Are you supposed to hear a click or something when you turn the key? Usually good with this stuff and I sure it is something simple. The 4 pins on the ss - I have a path from the neg terminal to the top 2 pins. Lower 2 pins a and b I get 5 ohms between them. Let’s figure this out. Please and thank you

08-29-2020, 08:40 PM
I’m going to order a new starter solenoid/relay. And see where this gets me. At this point I just want to turn the key and get neutral, head and tail lights and horn.

09-03-2020, 06:11 PM
Well I got the new starter relay put it in turned the key and zilch! Dang it! Started tracing wires again. I had continuity on all 6 wires from the ignition switch through the wire harness. This time I was just looking for 12v to the switch- red wire. Nothing! Wait a minute! Looked at the service manual on checking the starter relay again and fond my problem. The picture is deceiving- it shows the 2 lugs with the negative and positive symbols next to them and a schematic of the relay under that. I had the reversed! Now the bike runs! KISS - keep it simple stupid!

Vegas Street Rider
09-04-2020, 07:02 PM
Don't feel too bad about misreading the wiring diagram, we've all done it. Glad your bike is back up and running. Ride safe.

09-14-2020, 07:51 PM
Took my first ride today. Ran a little doggie and a bit lean. Then 5 miles from my house coming to a stop it shuts off. Restarted it and returned home every slow down and down shift it would cut out unless I would rev the crap out of it. Sucks trying to rev and stop at the same time >:(. Made it back to the driveway dies again coming to a stop. Found the throttle adj screw had backed out Way out. The diagram shows a spring above the turn knob.-not there when I bought it. Found a suitable replacement in my scrap bin - makes since it keeps tension and holds it in place. Also gave the pilot air screw a half turn out to richen it up a bit. Second ride all smiles

Vegas Street Rider
09-14-2020, 11:53 PM
Sometimes it is the little things that create the most problems. Glad you figured it out.

09-15-2020, 08:11 PM
Thanks VSR, I like to post sometimes when I run into an issue and find a solution it could help someone with the same or similar problem. Also I have read the post on posting pictures but can’t seem to load mine. I am using an IPhone. Any settings that might need to be changed?

Vegas Street Rider
09-15-2020, 09:16 PM
Sorry, I can't help you there. I have an old LG phone.