View Full Version : Starting issue/ air leak through throttle shaft

06-04-2020, 02:20 AM
I'm having an issue with my 1999 gz 250. The engine will turn over when I hit the started but does often does not start. When it does start, it seems to do so most easily when it is warm out.

The starting issue is relatively recent, but for as long as I have owned the bike (almost 2 years), I can't ride it until its been warming up for a few minutes (otherwise the engine immediately stalls out).

I have cleaned out the carb and jets many times, changed out the intake boot and o-ring, and it hasn't helped.

I have identified that there is an air leak through the throttle shaft (from spraying with carb cleaner while idling and hearing the engine rev up). I am hoping that this is the cause of both of my problems. The issue is that I can't find a rebuild kit for it online. I think I just need to change the seals out.

Any advice?

Vegas Street Rider
06-04-2020, 11:37 AM
The air leak does need to be addressed, but I can't help in regards to finding the parts other than an internet search. However, it is not unusual for the GZ to be harder to start due to the air leak. The simple solution is to engage the choke and that should make it easy to start and then adjust down as the bike warms up until you can find your parts. Have you checked with your local Suzuki dealer to see if the parts are still available?

Hope this helps you.