View Full Version : shutting off while riding

Chief EZ
01-10-2020, 07:39 PM
recently my bike started shutting off and starting back up while going 55 on the highway the first time this happened it did it about a dozen times once I got where I was going it's sat for a few minutes and then I headed home and it only did it once the next day I went to town again and didn't have a problem but on the way back it did it twice I'm not sure what's causing this or how to fix it any advice would be greatly appreciated

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Vegas Street Rider
01-11-2020, 12:52 PM
Tough to diagnose in absentia, but I would focus on two things, electrical or fuel. When the bike dies, switch the petcock to reserve or to prime and see if that brings it back to life. Also check the vacuum hose on the back of the petcock to see if it is tight and has no splits in it. Finally, make sure the fuel tank does not have built up sediment that could clog the line.
As far as the electrical, check for loose connections in the headlamp, battery, fuse box,etc. and follow your wiring harness looking for possible cuts or wear marks. Best I can do for you.

Hope this helps.

01-19-2020, 08:17 PM
Check safety switches: kickstand, clutch. Also it could be ignition switch...