View Full Version : Cameras

07-18-2019, 11:14 AM
Hey everyone,

I've been driving with a dashcam for a few years now, and I'd love to have that kind of functionality for my bike too. Anyone have any experience with any permanently attached camera systems (front and rear)? I glance through amazon and see a ton of systems that also include a screen that you have to mount to your handlebars. I'd prefer something that just tucks away under the seat or something so I don't have to worry about removing it every time I park (I live in a place where motorcycle theft is not exactly uncommon).

I know the most common method is to attach an action cam to your helmet, but those can run out of battery and some places have laws against attaching items to the outside of a helmet.

Also, if you do have one installed on your GZ250, where'd you put the lenses? Any example video/photos you'd like to share?

08-07-2019, 11:43 PM
I've done some of the same searches. While I have no personal experience with them, you really have to read the reviews of the cameras to get an idea of the quality. There are a couple that are NOT weather resistant at all and the control head has to be mounted under the seat or somewhere out of weather. There are others that are certainly ruggedized and designed to be mounted right up on the bars or dash.

The saying "you get what you pay for" does ring true on these cameras. I have had a couple of cheap ebay/amazon specials for $20. I've had not luck with them. Ended up spending $100 each for a couple of Kenwood dash cameras. Worth every penny.

11-03-2019, 11:53 AM
My recommendation is to use helmet mounted action camera. It records what your head is pointing and makes it easy to switch on and off. Allows you to capture confrontation if someone tries to argue with you. Plenty of good choices... But remember the legal stipulations - for example: If you ride like a.s.h.le and camera captures it, its evidence against you. If you are proven to delete it - felony - offence punished more than your traffic violations.