View Full Version : Hi new to socal

03-28-2019, 10:28 PM
Hi all Canook here!

Been riding almost 2 decades and recently picked up a GZ dirt cheap as a first bike for my lady.

Got it tuned up and running well in chicagoland this past October and moved to socal. Now she idles high and I cant figure out why. No choke required to start, throttle stop screw backed all the way out and pilot screw turned almost all the way in.

I wouldn't think 200ft increase in elevation would require a rejet... any ideas?

06-19-2019, 03:42 PM
Hey Canook, welcome!

I dunno about the idle - I wouldn't think a couple hundred feet would make that big of a difference (if it does, I'll let ya know. Just had my bike delivered from Milwaukee down to Florida, haven't even started her up yet).