10-21-2006, 03:43 PM
As you all know I just became the proud owner of a GZ250. She was used but well taken care of. Anyhow I found that the previous owner was running with the fuel valve on PRI instead of the RUN position. I talked to a friend of mine and he suggested I replace the hose. When these are worn they don't necessaraly show wear on the outside. So I did, since I was originally going to take the valve off and clean the stem this seamed like a less costly and labor intensive alternative for me, so I did. Well it worked. Appearantly what occures is that when the carb sucks the gas (in the RUN position) it creates presure on the hose and since its weak and it can't handle this pressure it colapses and the engin cuts off. So if anyone here has a similar problem try this first, it worked for me.