View Full Version : For sale - Side covers, toolbox, turn signals, rear fender

02-03-2019, 06:23 PM
Picked up a gz250 from a buddy of mine for a few hundred bucks. Decided to make it into a bobber, and I've taken a lot of the parts off. Figured I'd put them up here on case anyone needs something. I'll check here periodically, but you can always find me on my Instagram @death2u.kvlt

Got a box of reflectors, random hardware, turn signals.
- Rear fender plastic, color green, good condition, no cracks or major scratches (it does not have the metal skeleton that bolts to the frame)
- left and right side covers, left is stock green no scratches, and right it rattlecanned matte black
- rear tailpiece with tail light. Light works, but the wire is cut about 6 inches from light. Easy fix
- Plastic under seat tool box

Gimme an offer if you need something.

I've also got a solo seat being knstalled.... Sometime... So I'll have the stock front and rear seat up for grabs if anyone needs one, but the front one won't be available until later on.

I've got photos of everything just not able to upload them right this second.but I'll do it asap.