View Full Version : Last ride of the season.

Water Warrior 2
10-16-2018, 06:59 AM
Today was the last ride of the season for me and the Honda. Filled the tank with Ethanol free gas and a dollop of Seafoam for winter storage. Parked the bike after a short ride to give the Seafoam time to circulate in the tank and through the FI system.

Had a slight bit of drama. I discovered the rear tire had very little pressure. Time to pull out the compressor and top it up before riding on. That done I realized that I had a very low tire during my last midnight coffee ride through the twisties.

Tomorrow or the next day I will check the pressure again. If it is a slow leak it might be a bad valve core which is an easy fix. If not I have plenty of time to pull the rear wheel and have it repaired properly. Also time to pull out the battery tender plug from under the seat. A half hour charge once a month seems to keep the battery quite happy in this milder winter climate.

Vegas Street Rider
10-16-2018, 04:54 PM
I just changed from my half helmet to my full face helmet. Not too bad of temps yet, in the mid 50's. It never really gets to brutal here so I enjoy riding pretty much year 'round. Summers, of course, are a different story with 100+ temps for 3 to 4 months. Happy hibernation WW2.

10-17-2018, 06:11 PM
I'm enjoying the season here.... My wife and I have went for a few trips on the GZ lately.... I hope to get another month in before it's time to put er to bed......

10-18-2018, 04:37 AM
Who? Your wife? :lmao: