View Full Version : Bike will not crank over

08-23-2018, 07:47 PM
First of all Hello everyone I'm new here my name is Mike aka barbas I need help with my gz250. Let me start from the beginning so my bike started good ran great one day I went to start it and the starter was going bike wanted to start bit kept dieyin then the starter stopped working I figured I burned the starter Ialso noticed I did not have gas that's why it was not starting. By then it was too late I thought my starter was burned so I got another starter put it in and my bike will not start just clicks once so I figured my battery was dead I bought a charger charged it still the same click so then I bought a new battery still the same click I also notice my lights dim badly when it clicks. I got a new starter relay thinking it was the problem still just a click I tried to bypass the clutch safety switch n kickstand one still just a click.its driving me nuts I can't figure it out. Yesterday I noticed that it's a click from the starter relay and I noticed the starter wants to turn but is weak. Makes no sense I tried looking for a bad ground or a bad wire nothing was found. I also took jumper wires used them as temporary ground from negative to motor and from motor to frame to see if it was ground problem nothing please tell me if you guys have any ideas thank you in advance. I do have a YouTube channel I'm gonna post a video soon. My channels name is BarbasLife

08-23-2018, 07:54 PM
I'm starting to think maybe a bad computer ecm but I don't know I don't want to spend an$100 for a used one if I'm not sure it's just a guess.

Donald McPherson
08-24-2018, 06:26 PM
Use a jump lead from the battery positive straight to the starter bypassing the selonoid. If it does not turn over, yes you've guessed it. It's the starter. You just have to do a process of elimination.

08-24-2018, 10:41 PM
Thanks for posting up but I bought a new starter and nothing just a click from the relay.

08-24-2018, 10:43 PM
I will try it tomorrow and see if it does anything just straight power to the new starter.

Donald McPherson
08-26-2018, 09:40 AM
If you don't have the tools you could rig up a 12v bulb from the solenoid to the earth to see if there is power going to the celenoid. That would at least tell if the power is going to the solenoid.

08-26-2018, 03:53 PM
Ok I did the test and I'm getting power past. Then I put the test light at the wire that hooks to the starter it lid up when I cranked it. I decided to rock the bike back and forth hard then when I hit the start button it the starter cranked for a second and clicked so I did it again and it did it again seems like it might be an internal problem maybe what would be the flywheel? I'm gonna try to push start it

08-26-2018, 06:47 PM
I think my starter clutch is bad I'm gonna attempt to replace it what do you think?

08-27-2018, 05:57 PM
Well.... Here's what I would do.... I am not that familiar with the GZ250 (...yet....), but I have had enough pos old farm equipment over the years with this exact same problem.......

I would take a set of jumper cables that are hooked up to a battery and put the ground somewhere on the bike, then touch the post of the starter with the positive cable clamp. If there is not enough room to touch the positive post with the jumper clamp without touching the bike, I would connect a wire to the positive post and let the other end just sit on the floor and touch the positive cable clamp to it. When you do this MAKE SURE the bike is in neutral. You'll know if its your starter then.

I suspect a bad ground. probably where your ground wire off your battery attaches to the bike.

08-28-2018, 12:02 AM
Ok so I ran straight power to the starter and it just clicks like if it's stuck. I took the starter off did the same test it spins.i put the starter back in and it clicks like if it was stuck not the starter but the flywheel (clutch starter) I'm gonna attempt to remove the clutch starter and inspect the teeth tomorrow and just rebuild it while I'm at it with new springs.