View Full Version : Best custom exhaust/muffler for 2003 gz250

08-08-2018, 07:50 AM
Looking for a muffler or custom exhaust that doesn't look horibble and sounds better than what the stock is and is semi cheap and easy to install

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07-31-2019, 02:18 PM
The muffler is welded on, so you'd need to cut and weld a slip-on instead being able to just bolt it to the exhaust. If you want to do that, EMGO has pretty good options.

EMGO muffler:

https://www.partsgiant.com/p267480-emgo-turn-out-slip-on-exhaust?gclid=CjwKCAjw-ITqBRB7EiwAZ1c5U1i70wcCNLwAu21NC3wYdToqYV6e8nwhERk TF2oFDxb6fHldmU6AmxoCr1gQAvD_BwE

If you want a full system, then you'd have to shell out more $$$ and mess with your jets and carb.

Essentially it's not an "easy" exhaust to mod, but can be done if you have the tools and know-how. There's a thread on muffler replacement in the how-to section.