05-31-2018, 12:52 AM
Image first... k0w0BVTJ1gBNTpVBgOY4wJK7jGB1BL-4MvqsS9XN1MtjsNmkfPTlqryBV53k1qSViqnSv0cJA7QtlTPmD aIIkiemCXnmKlpGmMN657pY5CnIyDreZXKtdp4n7kIbQjIRmCY t_Rn0wRlnwCiM0nMZMvh8mW3hYm8NpelMCLoyqlNfNXnxoOREz P4_lGjdXAjev7AAyybkuyfa9G7Tr3-F_zI2IypczCgmwV7aATAfWBo1bri0XyfD9BvirFVDXgvq45jnP flum_xDWolar7yYRpYReJknfUUaFGi9_MUYc-pHQfTGds1-6IAwyqy5Lupe9_pf5fqWfUxvofPJ3zOIkTMW_6rUyCZBrsaf6a 5tCvnDwyKf2fEwN2YrgRPNspcvFq24zQKDp3HKqWoP8578gaZ_ m585XN40wwTI8ciyRuYMw0yR8ixTNr1sfU4yekgfIzMvZ0WptI tXEmFaoYWc4uMbf9J0YNLQrFYstwwInd0I2K1dRs4FC5sAmbl8 8e7GL1PdmmcIRhlTINy9F4It85wOjp-ntHjZPwLyBjUDRR0RoRMSakDHGHJkuZtJDnqp5iJ7sV51nicrc ECyzSrlczhkbCJjxR0MrTq6uYY7GW909Gfw=w1269-h738-no
Hello everyone! I picked up a 2000 GZ250 a couple weeks ago as my first bike (finally). Doesn't even have 3000 miles on it, and was in running/driving shape when I looked. Insured, registered, got permit, going through mechanical checks and fixes... fitting new tires (what a pain in the ass to find these sizes!). Also, I am in Massachusetts where we inspect bikes every year, and so I made a plate and riveted on to the end of the muffler to "un-drill-mod" it. Besides, pretty sure it was running lean. Have only ridden it for an hour or so, and this brings me to the above picture ideas.
My main issue is that I am 6'3", and 250lbs (and dropping). I feel very cramped on this bike - my feet feel awkward this far back for this low a seating position, but even more so, I feel squashed into the tank and bars. I want the seat further back. Maybe the pegs/controls slightly forward, but that's another topic. I did some very scientific testing in my yard with my ass and a drop cloth. Seems like when the seat latch is right... um... yeah, right there, my legs/knees are a lot more comfortable. I only remember one post really addressing this where the guy ("Joe"?) put a seat right up on top of the frame after the bend, and this seems like a little much. Anyone got any ideas? In the pic above, the rear fender is lowered (and tilted too far back for wheel travel, I know), and assumed that the latch protrusion is cut away. Also the whole rear is lowered by eye with S40 springs... accuracy be damned here. Of course, there are all sorts of little things wrong with the wheels to make them "complete" in a layer so I can try things in PS... really hacked together... bear with me.. k0w0BVTJ1gBNTpVBgOY4wJK7jGB1BL-4MvqsS9XN1MtjsNmkfPTlqryBV53k1qSViqnSv0cJA7QtlTPmD aIIkiemCXnmKlpGmMN657pY5CnIyDreZXKtdp4n7kIbQjIRmCY t_Rn0wRlnwCiM0nMZMvh8mW3hYm8NpelMCLoyqlNfNXnxoOREz P4_lGjdXAjev7AAyybkuyfa9G7Tr3-F_zI2IypczCgmwV7aATAfWBo1bri0XyfD9BvirFVDXgvq45jnP flum_xDWolar7yYRpYReJknfUUaFGi9_MUYc-pHQfTGds1-6IAwyqy5Lupe9_pf5fqWfUxvofPJ3zOIkTMW_6rUyCZBrsaf6a 5tCvnDwyKf2fEwN2YrgRPNspcvFq24zQKDp3HKqWoP8578gaZ_ m585XN40wwTI8ciyRuYMw0yR8ixTNr1sfU4yekgfIzMvZ0WptI tXEmFaoYWc4uMbf9J0YNLQrFYstwwInd0I2K1dRs4FC5sAmbl8 8e7GL1PdmmcIRhlTINy9F4It85wOjp-ntHjZPwLyBjUDRR0RoRMSakDHGHJkuZtJDnqp5iJ7sV51nicrc ECyzSrlczhkbCJjxR0MrTq6uYY7GW909Gfw=w1269-h738-no
Hello everyone! I picked up a 2000 GZ250 a couple weeks ago as my first bike (finally). Doesn't even have 3000 miles on it, and was in running/driving shape when I looked. Insured, registered, got permit, going through mechanical checks and fixes... fitting new tires (what a pain in the ass to find these sizes!). Also, I am in Massachusetts where we inspect bikes every year, and so I made a plate and riveted on to the end of the muffler to "un-drill-mod" it. Besides, pretty sure it was running lean. Have only ridden it for an hour or so, and this brings me to the above picture ideas.
My main issue is that I am 6'3", and 250lbs (and dropping). I feel very cramped on this bike - my feet feel awkward this far back for this low a seating position, but even more so, I feel squashed into the tank and bars. I want the seat further back. Maybe the pegs/controls slightly forward, but that's another topic. I did some very scientific testing in my yard with my ass and a drop cloth. Seems like when the seat latch is right... um... yeah, right there, my legs/knees are a lot more comfortable. I only remember one post really addressing this where the guy ("Joe"?) put a seat right up on top of the frame after the bend, and this seems like a little much. Anyone got any ideas? In the pic above, the rear fender is lowered (and tilted too far back for wheel travel, I know), and assumed that the latch protrusion is cut away. Also the whole rear is lowered by eye with S40 springs... accuracy be damned here. Of course, there are all sorts of little things wrong with the wheels to make them "complete" in a layer so I can try things in PS... really hacked together... bear with me..