View Full Version : First time Suzuki rider

03-20-2018, 11:23 AM
Hey gang,

I just picked up a 2005 GZ250 with 4300 miles and looks new. Since it's still cold here in Indiana, I haven't been able to ride but as soon as the weather breaks, I'm on it. I'm also new to this forum and have already found a wealth of information (didn't get any manuals with the bike).

Vegas Street Rider
03-20-2018, 12:17 PM
Welcome huskykicker. Hope you enjoy the bike and the forum as much as the rest of us do. Just an FYI, if you search the forum, there is a manual you can download if you want a paper manual or just download it to your computer.for reference. Safe riding.

If you plan on doing any mods to your bike, we would like to hear all about it, and of course, we love lots of pics.

03-20-2018, 04:50 PM
Welcome to our family!!!! :)