View Full Version : Exhaust pipe

05-25-2008, 08:33 PM
http://www.postimage.org/aV15o6Yi.jpg (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=aV15o6Yi)

I noticed this when I got back from riding this evening. It looks like it has just come loose because before the whole exhaust was even and together. It looks like there is a bolt or screw under this area that perhaps I can loosen and fit everything back together. Does that sound about right?


05-25-2008, 09:40 PM
I don't know but mine looks just like yours. Always has.

Easy Rider
05-25-2008, 10:51 PM
It looks like it has just come loose because before the whole exhaust was even and together.

Either the pic. doesn't do the situation justice or your mind is playing tricks on you. (I suspect the latter) :)

The muffler is welded to the tail pipe; the whole exhaust is one solid (welded) piece. What you are seeing is a heat shield, held in place by screws and brackets at each end of the shield.

Look and feel around more closely (when it's cold, of course). I think you'll find that it all is as it should be.......or the shield is coming loose. :tup:

Water Warrior 2
05-26-2008, 10:03 PM
Looks pretty normal to me. If that was actually the exhaust coming apart there would be a definite change in the sound.. I am sure this was suggested before and you might have already done it but I will repeat it. Go over the whole bike and check for loose fittings and such. Great way to get to know your bike too. I learned this the hard way with my first bike. Haven't be caught stranded since.

05-27-2008, 08:30 AM
If you stick your head under the bike, you'll see how the muffler connects to the head pipe. It's a "Y" section that is clamped on under the front end of the bike.

Check it out.

Easy Rider
05-27-2008, 09:33 AM
Check it out.

I just did......for the third time. :roll:

On my '06, it looks like the right side pipe is welded all the way; the left side that branches off appears to be connected with a clamp. It's hard to tell for sure because the front clamp for the heat shield is in the way.

HOWEVER, the location of the original picture should definitely be welded, if it is stock.

05-27-2008, 03:28 PM
Yeah, that was directed at the original poster.

Your description is right. The muffler connects as a whole to one of the headers while the other one is clamped on with a "U" clamp after the "Y" split.

That little hear shield can be removed without any adverse effects, except you would have an unsightly weld right there and you might melt your shoe.

05-27-2008, 10:24 PM
While you are all on the subject of exhaust and before Doug notices this when doing his suggested pre-ride inspection, both of my GZ250's, the '01 & the '06, have a small hole drilled on the underside of the pipe between the y and the muffler. I discovered it when I was looking at something under the bike while it was running, and I felt a little puff of exhaust. I found the source, and when I examined it, it looks like it was drilled with a .100 drill bit. Then I checked, and the other bike has it too. I can't imagine, in my wildest thoughts, what that could be for. Any time I have ever seen a hole in an exhaust pipe, it has been because of rust or a problem! Anyone have any idea what's up the the hole? Easy, I just know you will have a perfect explanation for this....don't let me down now... :cool:

By the way, since I know you guys are HUGE fans of short pipes with no mufflers, I have to pass along that I cranked up the '06 after an engine rebuild, and it sounds really good with the left tube disconnected from the main tube. At about 2K RPM in the garage, it almost sounded louder than my son's moped! :2tup: Don't worry--the police didn't come and arrest me, so it's all good. :tup:
I can't help agitating, y'all know that by now....lol

05-27-2008, 10:31 PM
That little hole can be found just about all factory mufflers that I have seen on motorcycles. From my understanding, it's a way for moisture to get out and accumulate in the bottom bend in the pipes. Without it, exhaust systems would rust in a short time, depening on where you live.

05-27-2008, 11:20 PM
Ah Ha! That makes perfect sense--especially since exhaust is carbon monoxide and....water. And the muffler is pointed upward, making the water drain to that hole. Just another one of those odd little things that comes with the curious invention that is the motorcycle.....It's sort of like a spit-valve on a trumpet or trombone I guess (random reference--sorry)
Now if I can just figure out how to get those muffler bearings out and the ignition cross-fire modulator timed.....

05-28-2008, 02:10 AM
So I did unscrew that nut under where the heat shield is at, moved the thing a bit and it seemed to line up again a bit better. However, after my ride today it is back where it was. You know, it is entirely possible that this is how it looked before and I just didn't notice it.. who knows. The sound isn't any different so I don't think anything significant has come loose. I'll just keep an eye on it (with my pre-ride checks of course) and see if it's moving any more.

Water Warrior - that's a good suggestion to go over the whole bike. I will do that even if just to learn a little more about where everything is.

Thanks to everyone for chiming in here.. I appreciate it.


Easy Rider
05-28-2008, 09:35 AM
Easy, I just know you will have a perfect explanation for this....don't let me down now... :cool:

By the way, since I know you guys are HUGE fans of short pipes with no mufflers,

The Georgia boy beat me to it! Yes, it's a drain hole.

But we can't stop there.............
Your profile doesn't tell us what part of the country (or world) you are in but most places you can start the bike cold, let it idle for a couple of minutes, turn it off and some water should drip out of that hole. If it doesn't, the hole might be plugged and you should run a piece of fine wire or broom straw in there to clean it out.

And for the second part...........WHAT??? :tdown: :)

Water Warrior 2
05-29-2008, 02:08 AM
Anything that leads to hearing lose is not a good thing. Hearing protection on a quiet bike is still a must in my books. Helmet roar, wind noise and close traffic noise will fatigue you more quickly. A very loud horn on the bike is acceptable.