View Full Version : Oil and Filter

09-05-2017, 08:14 AM
Just changed the oil for the 1st time.

Purchased the K&N oil filter and full synthetic Castrol Power 1 motorcycle oil.
Wow. I do notice a difference. The shifts are indeed a bit easier and the engine is a bit quieter. I've got maybe 100 miles on so far and am very happy with the switch.

Also, I've noticed that I have just a split hairs worth of more power. Nothing to write home about, but still...... just enough that I noticed.

Vegas Street Rider
09-05-2017, 12:34 PM
I have used nothing but synthetic since I got my GZ and since I switched, the shifts are silky smooth and as you say, it runs much quieter. With the intense heat we get in the summer here in Las Vegas, I want to protect all the working parts as much as I can to prolong engine life.