View Full Version : Gas tank ideas

05-12-2017, 07:13 PM
ok sumone want to tell me why the gz250 tank isnt sealed ?? i leaned the bike a bit too much when transporting it home after filling her up with too much gasoline and it spilled all over the place, good thing i noticed it early . but seriously why is there no rubber seal or something ?? is it because it would build up pressure ??? :hmm:

anyone found a solution to this ??? im going to build small makeshift gasket seals for it , or should i not .

also please excuse my inexperience, i am young and this is my first motorcycle

Vegas Street Rider
05-12-2017, 07:58 PM
The gas cap does not seal the tank because it has a vent built into it to relieve the pressure in the tank on hot days.

05-12-2017, 08:10 PM
If you make a seal for the fill cap you WILL force fuel into the carb on hot days and flood the bike. You will have a bad day.
Don't fill the tank past the lip that shapes downward inside the tank while the bike is on it's kickstand.

05-22-2017, 03:04 PM
lol yeah i figured such after a while, just made a small gasket so that it sits better , but not sealed. As for not filling it up past a certain point ive often over filled it by accident or carelessness . I havnt done that in a while though :lmao: