View Full Version : Issues with turning signals

05-05-2017, 06:08 PM
Hello all , I am currently having lighting issues with my 2007 gz250 . I used my emergency lights after getting lost and after turning the bike back on all turn signals wear dead . and the turn signal indicator light (the small green one) was no longer working. First of all all my lights except headlight and rear brake light (only when brakes are applied ) still function. This means that my brake light will only light up if i apply the brake . Is that normal ?? I remember it always on before. none of my turning lights work . or stay on at any time. So i replaced all the turning light bulbs with bulbs from autozone, the front turning signals are now always lit up . The rear turning signals still will not function even with new bulbs !! and the turning light switch to indicate which way I am going doesn't seem to work . I push the switch left or right and neither the front or rear turn signals flash. Can you guys please help me? I have searched endlessly and have found no answer to this problem. I cant ride my motorcycle anymore because i use it to commute and i cant possible keep risking riding at night without any form of lighting in the back . Please help , dont just refer to other forums or posts. Thank you all in advance

05-05-2017, 08:17 PM
Your brake light should only come on when brake is applyed (Thats correct) But the tail light part (Double contact bulb 1157) shpuld come on with key.....Did you replace front bulbs with double contact 1157 & rear with 1156 single contact?Also sounds like you have a couple blown fuses.

05-08-2017, 01:40 AM
Thank you very much for your input :) , i did replace all turning signals with the exact sizes you mentioned , . So the rear brake lights guy is never on besides when I apply the brake ??? I though it was just like cars when there brake lights are on at night . I will buy a circuit teser to check the fuses unless you know of another way to check them . Thank you again for your help :)

05-08-2017, 04:51 AM
I though it was just like cars when there brake lights are on at night .

Never heard of that one. Rear lights are usually double filament, eg 5w/21w. At night, when you switch on your lights, the lower wattage filament lights up so folks can see you. When you apply the brakes, the higher wattage filament comes on, to show folks that you're stopping. If it was on all the time, it'd kinda defeat the object, don't you think. Dunno where you got the idea that brake lights(note the term "brake" lights) were on all the time. :???:

05-08-2017, 07:57 AM
Thank you very much for your input :) , i did replace all turning signals with the exact sizes you mentioned , . So the rear brake lights guy is never on besides when I apply the brake ??? I though it was just like cars when there brake lights are on at night . I will buy a circuit teser to check the fuses unless you know of another way to check them . Thank you again for your help :)
As stated you should have your park light & than brighter brake light when you put brakes on......You can check fuses by sight & look for Burnt/broken fliment (Same as a bulb).

05-08-2017, 08:00 AM
Never heard of that one. Rear lights are usually double filament, eg 5w/21w. At night, when you switch on your lights, the lower wattage filament lights up so folks can see you. When you apply the brakes, the higher wattage filament comes on, to show folks that you're stopping. If it was on all the time, it'd kinda defeat the object, don't you think. Dunno where you got the idea that brake lights(note the term "brake" lights) were on all the time. :???:
I think just a mix up in terms.....Parklight/running light (On all the time bike is running) Brake light (On when you put brakes on)

05-08-2017, 10:21 PM
Just found this out today.
in the fuse box, looking at it from the left side of the bike...
Right row third down 15 amp fuse.
It will kill signals, brake light, horn and indicator lamps.
That's on a 2000 model.
But Headlight, front and rear running lights still lit.

05-09-2017, 02:19 PM
Hey guys so I guess there was some confusion and now some disagreements about the brake light . My original question was basically is the brake light supposed to be a running light and then when u apply the brakes both filaments light up for a stronger light telling people that you are braking . I got some different answers but now after buying contact cleaner and replacing the brake light bulb the answer at least in the USA is that yes the brake light is a running light !!!! I always remembered that when I bought it that it was already one . And now it works perfectly again , it runs like it should and then gets brighter when I apply the brake . As for my turn signal issue I cleaned and reconnected all contacts , replaced all fuses ( the ignition fuse was burn out but I had not noticed any issues starting the motorcycle ) , and everything worked fine , my turning signals work perfectly . That is until I plug the rear turn signals back in . For some reason the front turn signals work fine , perfectly fine until I plug in the rear ones to test if all of them work , as soon as I plug those in none of the turn signals work. The front ones stay lit up but will not flash . Are my rare turn signals bad ??? I replaced the bulbs and clean all contacts and still can't get the lights to work with the rear turn signals plugged in .

05-09-2017, 02:23 PM
Never heard of that one. Rear lights are usually double filament, eg 5w/21w. At night, when you switch on your lights, the lower wattage filament lights up so folks can see you. When you apply the brakes, the higher wattage filament comes on, to show folks that you're stopping. If it was on all the time, it'd kinda defeat the object, don't you think. Dunno where you got the idea that brake lights(note the term "brake" lights) were on all the time. :???:

That's eaxvatly what I mean originally but didn't know how to say it . My brake light was only turning on when I applied pressure . Other then that it would be completely dark . I knew for sure that It was supposed to be on all the time ( the lower filament your talking about ) and then get brighter when I applied brake pressure . I replaced the bulb and cleaned contacts and it work great now .

Vegas Street Rider
05-09-2017, 03:01 PM
You are making progress and learning about your bike. It can be frustrating at times but also rewarding when you figure it out. And remember, we are here to help as we are able to.

05-09-2017, 04:34 PM
Hey guys so I guess there was some confusion and now some disagreements about the brake light . My original question was basically is the brake light supposed to be a running light and then when u apply the brakes both filaments light up for a stronger light telling people that you are braking . I got some different answers but now after buying contact cleaner and replacing the brake light bulb the answer at least in the USA is that yes the brake light is a running light !!!! I always remembered that when I bought it that it was already one . And now it works perfectly again , it runs like it should and then gets brighter when I apply the brake . As for my turn signal issue I cleaned and reconnected all contacts , replaced all fuses ( the ignition fuse was burn out but I had not noticed any issues starting the motorcycle ) , and everything worked fine , my turning signals work perfectly . That is until I plug the rear turn signals back in . For some reason the front turn signals work fine , perfectly fine until I plug in the rear ones to test if all of them work , as soon as I plug those in none of the turn signals work. The front ones stay lit up but will not flash . Are my rare turn signals bad ??? I replaced the bulbs and clean all contacts and still can't get the lights to work with the rear turn signals plugged in .
You do have single contact 1156 in the rear ones??

05-10-2017, 03:02 AM
Yes put in brand new ones and nothing works . I'm going to just take them off and ride without them . The front turn signals work perfectly when they are by themselves . I think removing them is legal here in California

05-10-2017, 06:06 AM
It may be legal (note: you only think it's legal, so check up on it) but it's definitely NOT a good idea. If you don't let the drivers behind you know what you're going to do, you're likely to get tail ended, and it could possibly be shown that you were at fault for performing a maneouvre without signalling. Think about your own safety.

Paul V.
07-12-2017, 08:09 PM
My light, green turn indicator, quit working. First I thought the bulb was burned out

But I remember, I had moved the handlebars; I rotated them up -- so I my arms could be straighter when riding. So should I make the effort of getting the bulb out of there? (and if yes, how-to!.. :) I can see turns reflected off headlight fixture (chrome).

Not sure which way to go.
Tnx in advance