View Full Version : Carburetor Assembling

03-04-2017, 07:56 AM
Hi all

unfortunately, I disassembled my carb and now I am struggling to put it back together. I have a picture of my parts below and if somebody can describe how to assemble it again I would really appreciate it.
Also, I lost the pilot screw and other things that goes with it. What is the cheapest way to buy it in Central Europe? (I found this ebay link (http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/201784020794?vectorid=229466&item=201784020794&rmvSB=true), but I am not sure if it fits and it seems to be a little bit overpriced with shipping)


The Carb has numbers next to the holes;
Each part has a number of the order how it goes together;
Parts that I am not sure about are with question marks;
Black arrow points where pilot screw and other things are missing.

Thank you all for any information.

link to the picture (https://goo.gl/photos/MvWAGUyQMZSYCcGQ9)

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/SEO8sTBbY60cDqniByNxr4br4Usaa_Jn__OW122Uqs8Dv3MgOs 8c2QpsVBgkyrigJPNHq6sGg9M1ARkEsnbLOkgFyvkoH-HFajnEHSTqjiGtNZuXb3MkKlpavusrDR9hUlAChg=w800-h923-no

03-04-2017, 05:13 PM
The little bushing is called needle jet. Goes into hole no 1. Be careful installing, ref video below:


Go to 35min 20sec.

3.1 is the starter jet. It doesn't needs oring. This oring 3.1?? is from pilot screw that you lost (ref 23 link below).

The big o'ring looks like oring for the starter plunger (ref 33 link below)


I hope this helps...

03-04-2017, 06:54 PM
Hi Wacio,
this video is something I should have seen before I opened my carb :). This definitely helps me out.

Thank you so much