View Full Version : oil change

05-19-2008, 08:33 PM
How much mess is made when the oil filter cover comes off? I want to know what I am getting myself into before I change the oil.

Easy Rider
05-19-2008, 08:51 PM
How much mess is made when the oil filter cover comes off? I want to know what I am getting myself into before I change the oil.

Yep, it "drips" quite a bit. Be ready with rags or about 4 sheets of paper towel.
IIRC, most comes out not when you take the cover off but when you remove the old filter.

05-19-2008, 10:20 PM
It's not too bad. There is some spill but it's nothing you can't handle if you have some shop towels with you.

Make sure that you drain the crankcase before you open the oil filter cover. That'll help.

05-22-2008, 08:51 PM
Changed the oil yesterday. Didnt spill a drop

05-23-2008, 08:19 AM

Water Warrior 2
05-24-2008, 02:20 PM
Changed oil on both bikes yesterday. We made a bit of a mess taking the filter out but such is life. Paper towels were in place to soak up spillage etc. We also removed the counter shaft cover to check for a build up of chain lube around the front sprocket. I say WE because this was Lynda's first experience wrenching on anything. She did the whole thing herself ( on the GZ ) with me instructing and biting my tongue. It is hard to remember that a newbie doesn't have a feel for things that I have been doing for decades. Cleaned the chains with kerosene and then wiped dry before DuPontTeflon spray was applied. Bikes are ready for the middle of June trek to the Canadian Prairies. Amsoil 10-40 M/C specific oil in both bikes.

05-30-2008, 12:14 AM
I put in a quart and a half of oil because the dealer said that is what it takes. I don't see anything in the oil level check window. How much oil goes in this thing?

05-30-2008, 12:19 AM
I put in a quart and a half of oil because the dealer said that is what it takes. I don't see anything in the oil level check window. How much oil goes in this thing?

Make sure the bike isn't leaning on the stand or else you won't get an accurate reading of the oil level.

Easy Rider
05-30-2008, 10:45 AM
Make sure the bike isn't leaning on the stand or else you won't get an accurate reading of the oil level.

Yes. AND.......stamped into the case right above the oil hole in BIG letters it says.....1300 ml !!! :blush:

That is "about" a quart and a half.

06-09-2008, 04:02 PM
exactly as easy rider said, it says there 1300ml, after you add around 1000ml start the bike and let it run for a while the oil will circulate and the new filter will absorb something. shut down and wait like for 2-3 minutes. check the oil level in the window and add more and the level should be between the F and L marks. keep checking the level after every 2 weeks and add if needed (its normal and ok with GZ250). always change oil when the engine is hot to get rid of the used oil as much as possible.

06-10-2008, 12:31 AM
went for a ride and then checked the window. It shows just a hair below full. Someone on here posted that shifting will be smoother with fresh oil, I can testify to that. I bought the bike with 700 miles on it. It now has 1000. Looking at what came out, this was the first change.

06-10-2008, 08:30 AM
Glad that you are happy with the results.

Did you switch over to synthetic or are you still running dino oil?
As shifting goes, fresh dino oil is nice but fresh synthetic is like butter.

If this were my bike, I'd change it again in about 500 miles and then start doing 3000 mile or so intervals.

06-10-2008, 09:00 PM
Jonathan, that is what I was thinking. I used dino oil as a learning tool to make sure I could do the oil change myself. I will change it again soon but will switch to synthetic.

06-10-2008, 11:43 PM
Did you switch over to synthetic or are you still running dino oil?
As shifting goes, fresh dino oil is nice but fresh synthetic is like butter.

I would tend to agree that synthetic oil does result in some nice shifting. I changed my bike's oil to Mobil 1 Racing 4T 10W-40 from whatever the previous owner had in it (about 1300 miles since the last oil change). It was expensive, but so far it seems to be worth it.

06-11-2008, 08:55 AM
Jonathan, that is what I was thinking. I used dino oil as a learning tool to make sure I could do the oil change myself. I will change it again soon but will switch to synthetic.

As you have probably read in other posts, make sure you get either straight motorcycle oil or that you use car oil that doesn't have friction inhibitors, just to be safe and avoid clutch slipping.

I'm going to try out the Mobil1 stuff soon enough. It is expensive but at only $6-$8 per bottle so it's not going to bankrupt anyone. The Castrol car oil that I have is starting to break down. It's only been 2400 miles.

Water Warrior 2
06-11-2008, 09:16 PM
Most car oils probably don't have the shear characteristics of M/C specific oils. There are some exceptions of course, Shell rotella appears to be one of them. Amsoil M/C oil has shear values equal to a 90 weight gear oil which keeps the transmission happy and smooth. Works very well in both bikes but is very expensive up here in the GWN. Oil and filter changes cost about $100 but I consider the ease of operation(shifting) and overall life of the bike.

06-11-2008, 10:43 PM
I know you don't mean $100 just to change the GZ oil ?????????

06-11-2008, 10:49 PM
probably meant $10. I spent $12 buying the oil from the dealer.

Water Warrior 2
06-12-2008, 01:28 PM
A $10 oil change. I wish ! Both bikes cost about $100 for oil and filters. Canadian prices are much higher than U.S. prices for 99% of anything you want to buy. You would be fortunate to get a new GZ for less than $5300 OTD on a good day. Our gas just went to 6.67 an IMP gallon(5.34 U.S. gal). No more good days ahead.
The oil filters are bought at the local Yammer dealer to show support for small business and the oil comes from Canadian Tire. They seem to be the only place that will stock Amsoil in this smaller city.

06-12-2008, 04:18 PM
Holy crap, man!

Can you not order from over here? Even with shipping you'd be doing yourself a favor. I don't know what the exchange rate it but it can't be that bad...

Whenever I want to buy something big, I usually look Canadian first cause it's cheaper for us, especially car/motorbike stuff

Water Warrior 2
07-04-2008, 09:32 PM
Holy crap, man!

Can you not order from over here? Even with shipping you'd be doing yourself a favor. I don't know what the exchange rate it but it can't be that bad...

Whenever I want to buy something big, I usually look Canadian first cause it's cheaper for us, especially car/motorbike stuff

Ah yes, the priviledges of the GWN and it's trade agreements. Nafta(North American Free Trade Agreement)is heavily biased towards the U.S. Not poking at the U.S. mind you. The Canadian politicians that are responsible for this lop sided agreement should have been hung at dawn. You buy our gas cheaper than we can. You buy cars built here cheaper than we can. We seem to be in a one way system of taxes and tariffs that bleeds us almost dry. Shipping from The U.S. to here usually involves UPS and their criminal brokerage fees that really add up. The one real good deal is New Enough in Texas. They will do USPS which is cheaper and less hassle.

07-05-2008, 01:02 PM
Sorry to hear that.

The only thing that I ever wanted to buy Canadian that was more expensive for me than it would have been for you was the Kawasaki ZZR250.

07-06-2008, 05:21 AM
try buying beer in canada. $30 for a 12-pack.

i miss the days when $10 canadian was like $5.50 american

07-06-2008, 06:58 PM
If ya get the Sunday News Paper your drip problems are solved ......

Water Warrior 2
07-07-2008, 01:10 AM
try buying beer in canada. $30 for a 12-pack.

i miss the days when $10 canadian was like $5.50 american

That may work for you but imagine us trying to vacation in the U.S.

07-17-2008, 08:22 PM
try buying beer in canada. $30 for a 12-pack.

i miss the days when $10 canadian was like $5.50 american

That may work for you but imagine us trying to vacation in the U.S.

true... but it isn't just your prices that are higher. your wages are a lot higher than ours from what i can tell

Water Warrior 2
07-17-2008, 11:06 PM
Some wages are higher but that is not the whole story. The actual cost of living on a daily basis can be quite high. Telephones, power, cable, water and other assorted utilities are mostly just cash grabs allowed by the government so their cut is bigger. Don't get me going on health care. It ain't free, believe me.