View Full Version : Been a rough 2 weeks for Piccolo

08-05-2016, 07:50 PM
Welp. It's been an interesting 2 weeks.
1) The ignition key locked up.
2) A flat almost new rear tire.
3) The new R/R I replaced December last year died.

What did I learn?
1) After spraying a bunch of WD I found I needed to hold the key in a special way to work.
2) You can safely run.... 22 ounces :wtf: of Slime tire sealant in a motorcycle tire and hit freeway speeds. Never found the puncture.
3) You get what you pay for and I'll buy another 20 dollar R/R assy.

For now I have a second battery on the bitch seat parallel with the first to give me the amp hours to do a days commute and errands and then charge at night. Still had the mods packed away from last year.
For now the rear is holding air just fine for days. The leak was so bad it could go from aired up to flat in 10 to 15 minutes. That Slime is something isn't it?

Vegas Street Rider
08-05-2016, 11:12 PM
What's the expression, when it rains it pours? Sorry you are having such a tough time with your ride. Good to know that Slime works on a motorcycle. Maybe I will have to throw a can into the saddlebags just in case. The last time I had a flat, I was just a mile from the cycle shop so I aired it up at a gas station and made a beeline for the shop.
Re: ignition, mine gets sticky and won't turn from time to time and I have to tinker with it until it finally frees itself up. Maybe time for some graphite.

08-06-2016, 12:40 PM
And now I have a flat front tire :doh: and all this riding in the texas heat has given me a nasty case of diaper rash :hehe:

Vegas Street Rider
08-06-2016, 01:26 PM
TMI spldart!!!!

08-07-2016, 07:35 PM
Finally took a DMM to the bad new regulator. One phase of the three phase bridge rectifier is SHORTED all to blazes.

Water Warrior 2
08-08-2016, 05:17 AM
And now I have a flat front tire :doh: and all this riding in the texas heat has given me a nasty case of diaper rash :hehe:

Lots of talcum powder with help with the monkey butt.

08-14-2016, 07:40 PM
Got my new parts installed. Bike is good again. I'm gonna try to melt out all this crap in the heatsink and get the pcb out for this R/R assy.
I hope to post pics and a schematic.

08-14-2016, 10:41 PM
Did you finally install new cylinder and piston? Thanks for info...

08-29-2016, 07:13 PM
That stupid goop they filled the heatsink with was brutal. I went through a soldering iron tip on my weller and started to get to the pcb only to find surface mount components and the filler material was yanking them off the pcb. So No chance on back engineering it.
It was far more complicated than expected. And I already know I had one blown diode in the 3-phase full bridge rectifier.
Rebuild with new cyl and piston waits till I get second bike or this motor quits. For some reason this motor keeps holding on even though I got blow by and weak compression.

Water Warrior 2
09-12-2016, 09:54 PM
And now I have a flat front tire :doh: and all this riding in the texas heat has given me a nasty case of diaper rash :hehe:

Talcum powder is your friend.