View Full Version : Carb Problems Solved (hopefully)

05-18-2008, 05:34 AM
My sons 01 was having problems bogging down at high speed. The header pipes are a golden brown colour!! I finally pulled the carb and found a real surprize. The white spacer on the needle had been lowered about 1/2" !!! It had been pushed down the needle. The circlip was no longer in its groove but sitting on the white spacer. I did the shim mod, washer under the white spacer and moved the circlip back to its proper groove. Don't know if the previous owner had done this or happened by itself but definitely was setup wrong.

I also found the spark plug wasn't fully seated.I think the p.o was clueless. I'll take it for a test ride today.

Water Warrior 2
05-19-2008, 03:00 AM
Either problem would affect performance. It should run a lot better now. Let us know how it does on the road test.