View Full Version : Got clobbered by an Acura tonight.

01-27-2016, 11:31 PM
Was stopped at a red light. Waiting to turn right on red. Allowed at this intersection.
So I'm looking 90 degrees left for an opening in traffic and BAM!!!!!
Me and my bike are in the intersection laying on our right sides sticky and confused.
Gas is pouring out the bike and my whole right side hurts and I can't get up at first.

Bystanders stand my bike up and roll it off to the side. Gas leak stops.
I'm laying there in pain trying to remember what happened.

All I can remember is a black car came in the corner of my periphepal vision and I only
got the 'thought' of the statement "oh" in "Oh shit!" out.

(I had rehearsed in my mind that if I saw a car bearing down on me that I would let
out the clutch and tear out of there.... I couldn't have let the clutch half out in the time
this happened. To fast)

I don't remember my hands coming off the bars. I don't remember my ass coming off
the seat. I don't remember the motor dying. I didn't even smell the gasoline coming out
the tank till 30 minutes later.

Minor concussion?

I'm in lotsa pain but I lived. Gonna miss work tomorrow but I gotta examine my wrecked
bike and of course see the doc.

So there is my heroing story.

Nearly all the impact was absorbed by my brand new Shinko tire on the stock wheel.
What should I inspect the bike for tomorrow morning?
It's making noises from the rear and my mirrors are f'd and etc etc etc.


Vegas Street Rider
01-28-2016, 02:11 AM
They will probably total the bike, but thank the good Lord you survived. Are you seriously going to try and bring it back to life? Outside of the obvious damage, there could be more that isn't visible that could cause you major problems down the road (no pun intended). Hopefully, the person has good insurance and you could get seed money towards another ride.

Water Warrior 2
01-28-2016, 04:22 AM
WOW! That was a pretty hard hit you took. I do hope there is no permanent injury related problems down the road. And yes, by all means have Doc check you out. Here's hoping you see a Doc before reading this. After the adrenaline kick and shock wear off you can bet on some serious aches and pains for a while. Please keep us in the loop when you can. Fingers crossed for a clean Bill of Health.

As for the bike, I would consider it a write off. That was a serious hit and there could be untold hidden damage. Even a minor tweek to the frame will render it very difficult and dangerous to ride safely.

The upside(if there is one),you get to go shopping for a new bike.

01-28-2016, 09:36 PM
Update. The drivers insurance company (a big name company) wants to fight. Refused me a rental.
Even though there are multiple witnesses, cops also determined driver was at fault and the girl
admitted she was at fault.
I had to get a lawyer.
I had to get a rental.
I'm seeing a doctor.

Water Warrior 2
01-28-2016, 10:14 PM
The insurance company is just blowing smoke to see if you will back down and go away. They can afford to fight you with big time lawyers but I think you will have the winning hand. You are a victim in this mishap. Never sign anything till your lawyer says it is okay.

01-29-2016, 07:34 AM
I'm proceeding under just such advice ww. Thanks 8~D

Vegas Street Rider
01-29-2016, 04:36 PM
Hopefully you have a forceful lawyer who tells them the longer they screw around, the higher the dollar figure for your pain and suffering.

Water Warrior 2
01-29-2016, 04:40 PM
I'm proceeding under just such advice ww. Thanks 8~D
That is good to hear. Log all your aches and pains with the lawyer and Doc. Here's hoping all the aches and pains go away never to return.

Maybe I'm getting ahead of things but have you considered your next ride if the bike is a write off ? Just looking towards the future with you.

After my very short wet ride on the CTX700N, it might be a great contender for your short list. I am really chompin at the bit to get some warm dry weather here. Being a crusier but lacking the normal V-twin power plant may have a lot to do with poor sales but I don't care if the parallel twin is the reason. At 41% off list price for a new 2014 Honda is a no brainer. You might even find a used one for the price of a good used GZ.

Water Warrior 2
01-29-2016, 05:48 PM
CL and Ebay are your friends. Fingers crossed for a happy solution to this oops in life. Above all, your health is the main interest. Pain and suffering comes into play with any traffic accident.

02-05-2016, 09:59 PM
Been a little over a week. I've made 1300 in cash liquid and still waiting for the check from the
Blue book on a 2000 gz250 varies from 800's to 1200's.
Got the estimate back from the shop today. Well past 1200 bux.
I assume they are gonna total it out. Dunno how much they will pay me but that goes on top of the
1300 I've been able to pull together.

What shall I end up with next....

I miss my gz250 farkles already :(

Vegas Street Rider
02-06-2016, 12:51 PM
Sorry you are going throught this. Hope you are healing quickly and keep us in the loop about your next ride. Isn't it strange how you get attached to your ride?

Water Warrior 2
02-06-2016, 04:58 PM
This entire incident is unfortunate but you have survived to ride another day. Be sure your health is #1 priority and another bike is #2. As much as you are missing the GZ just think of the good feelings and grins when you get back on 2 wheels.

As a side note, if you want to jump ship for a different brand bike you may want to look for a great deal on a Honda CTX. If Honda is still offering their low price clearance price you may be able to swing it. I have never seen so much bike for the price.

02-06-2016, 06:41 PM
I had glanced at one of those honda 700's last year. But I allowed my credit to be ruined by a pretty girl so anything I buy is cash outright.
I'm healing up ok. But very jelly whenever I see a bike pass by :(

02-06-2016, 08:10 PM
Just realized.
I got new unused gz250 parts I'll have to get rid of.

Water Warrior 2
02-07-2016, 05:01 PM
I had glanced at one of those honda 700's last year. But I allowed my credit to be ruined by a pretty girl so anything I buy is cash outright.
I'm healing up ok. But very jelly whenever I see a bike pass by :(
Yup, some pretty girls will do that. Been there, done that. But in a lot of cases we allow it to happen. Hope she left you with some nice memories to replay in your mind.

02-07-2016, 05:10 PM
Yup, some pretty girls will do that. Been there, done that. But in a lot of cases we allow it to happen. Hope she left you with some nice memories to replay in your mind.

Oh I own that. Up till my social security number got used after she left. Then
I got a bit .... upset.

Water Warrior 2
02-07-2016, 11:41 PM
Oh I own that. Up till my social security number got used after she left. Then
I got a bit .... upset.

That is seriously not nice. But it does sound like she did you a favor by leaving.

02-08-2016, 12:02 AM
That is seriously not nice. But it does sound like she did you a favor by leaving.

Yes.... Dr. Phil....

:hehe: :lmao:

Sorry. I appreciate your viewpoint. Your right. Now to trudge on with the rest of my life hating teh wimmens!


Water Warrior 2
02-08-2016, 02:35 PM
Yes.... Dr. Phil....

:hehe: :lmao:

Sorry. I appreciate your viewpoint. Your right. Now to trudge on with the rest of my life hating teh wimmens!


Don't hate all the women because of 1 or 2 that make your life miserable for years. Years from now you will be able to look back and say she made me a better person.
First time round in marriage I married one of the devils offspring. #2 thought I was a money tree. After #2 I finally became the person I am today. #3 was the perfect woman for me but I lost her due to Cancer last year. We had a wonderful decade together and rode together. She only asked me to be there with her and for her. The best of times. Yes, Lynda may be gone now but I only have good memories of bikes, travelling, being in love and no regrets to hang over my head.
The highway of life has a few speed bumps and potholes. You will manage to survive and grow through your experiences. Trust me on that.

As for Dr. Phil................he is just nuts. :crazy:................:lmao:.

02-09-2016, 05:29 AM
Oh wow, WW. Why didn't you tell us? I'm sure I didn't miss it. You'd have had all our sympathy and prayers. You didn't have to go through it alone. Again, please forgive me if you told us and I missed it. So sorry.

Water Warrior 2
02-09-2016, 10:36 AM
Oh wow, WW. Why didn't you tell us? I'm sure I didn't miss it. You'd have had all our sympathy and prayers. You didn't have to go through it alone. Again, please forgive me if you told us and I missed it. So sorry.

No forgiveness is needed Alan. I might have mentioned it in passing but didn't make a big deal of it. I do appreciate your thoughts and prayers. Lynda was the reason I first appeared on the forum after she found her GZ. We both knew very little about the bike and I was elected chief wrencher so sought the best little forum to help me along.

Lynda passed away last August 24th after a very hard fought battle with Cancer. It was a tough time for both of us, her family and friends. Lynda was loved by everyone who knew her. She had a special talent for touching a person's heart and asked nothing in return except for a smile.

Lynda raised 3 fine sons during her first marriage and all 3 have a place in my life and heart. 5 grand daughters who made her proud and 1 son in law who was married to one of her sons. He is also part of my life and I do have visits with him now and again. I thank my lucky stars for the love and friendship each and every one of them has shown me over the years.

Lynda had 5 years of riding and travelling on 2 wheels without so much as an oops or get off. After her last long distance solo ride half way across Canada and back she hung up her helmet and said "I'm done riding." It was her decision and I never questioned it. She spent more time with friends and got quite serious in her photography. I was there to see different chapters in her life and share many of them.

I have the support of many local and distant riders in my life. I do thank them all. I am looking forward to getting back on 2 wheels and getting out and about more after 2 years of living in limbo. That said, I might even get out for my first real ride on the Honda CTX700N I recently brought home in the back of the truck. It is a very nice bike and I look forward to renewing my riding skills. I did have one short ride in an absolute downpour the day I bought it after it was off loaded locally. The farkling has already started with the addition of a windshield. A new power cord for a Battery Tender and LED driving lights are in the mail right now. I am feeling some excitment and look forward to the next chapter of my life.

I know I will always have a special Guardian Angel riding on my shoulder to shield me from harm.

02-09-2016, 12:57 PM
I am very sorry to hear about your loss WW. I didn't know until today. Your positive attitude is an inspiration.

I know I will always have a special Guardian Angel riding on my shoulder to shield me from harm.

Ride on friend. I have a feeling you are exactly right with that statement!

Vegas Street Rider
02-09-2016, 03:07 PM
Just had an oops on my computer. I was saying how the really special people always leave a mark on you for the rest of your life. The bad ones leave your presence and your mind almost immediately. Sorry for your loss. I had just started on this forum before she passed. I am sure she will be riding with you here forward.

Water Warrior 2
02-09-2016, 11:36 PM
Thanks guys. Nuff said.

02-17-2016, 03:21 AM
Thanks guys. Nuff said.

Sorry WW, but I do have to chime in here because you (and your talk of Lynda and her riding) always provided me with so much inspiration. I am truly sorry for your loss and am grateful you shared so much about her on the forum back in the day. Thank you for opening up a little more and sharing more about her with the last recent post.

Water Warrior 2
02-17-2016, 02:44 PM
Sorry WW, but I do have to chime in here because you (and your talk of Lynda and her riding) always provided me with so much inspiration. I am truly sorry for your loss and am grateful you shared so much about her on the forum back in the day. Thank you for opening up a little more and sharing more about her with the last recent post.
Thanks Maggie. Lynda did indeed inspire more gals to ride. And ride more than just around town. During her last long distance solo ride she was taking a break and was surprised when a woman came running up and said "I have one of those at home(M-50 Suzuki)but would never have thought to ride half way across Canada."

I think the long rides allowed Lynda to bond and become "one" with the bikes. She also did that same long ride on her GZ 4 years earlier and loved it. She loved a 400 mile ride on a weekend with the GZ. Her shake down cruise on the M-50 was nearly 1000 miles and prepared her for anything with it. Our travels with 2 or 4 wheels were a delight. Many happy memories and friends to make on the road. Lynda is missed by her family, friends and myself very much.
Even before we were a couple I once drove 900 miles to have coffee with her after she moved to B.C. Lynda said I was crazy but a little crazy goes a long way. That was actually our 1st date. After 3 or 4 more trips across the Rockies and retirement in my future I asked if she could find an apartment for me. Yup, just down the hall and when do you want to move in? 5 weeks later I was a resident in Squamish with a wonderful woman just down the hall. After 3 more months we lived together and the rest is history. Our time together was too short but it was wonderful.

02-27-2016, 05:55 PM
They are offering 2000+ for the bike outright and 1700+ for me to get it back for salvage.
I've made a ton of mods and added lots of farkle so I'm buying salvage and transplanting parts
to another zuki.

Still being treated for injuries. Dunno if they will do as well for that or not.
A cracked wrist bone.
A torn knee cartalidge.
Some lower back thinger stressed.

Water Warrior 2
02-27-2016, 07:50 PM
Be careful what you sign. If they want you to sign for the bike the insurance company may try to slide in a release from any medical claim in the future.

Heal up as well as possible and get back on the road eh.

03-04-2016, 12:15 AM
Got the GZ back.
Some time. Some tools.
It's running again.
I have 3000 bux saved so far.
Want big cruiser....
Continuing saving.

06-03-2016, 05:50 PM
They put a 'special investigations unit' on me. My medical bills still unpaid. :wtf:

Water Warrior 2
06-04-2016, 10:28 AM
They put a 'special investigations unit' on me. My medical bills still unpaid. :wtf:
Insurance companies will drag things out in hopes you will get tired of the B.S. and go away. Be careful who you talk to anywhere. Any new friend or stranger in a casual conversation might work for the insurance company. They hope to trip you up with an accidental admission of some sort.

06-04-2016, 10:34 AM
Welp. I've been completely honest and I have witnesses so I guess all I gotta do is wait.

06-08-2016, 01:27 AM
They will wait until you are healed and not pay until you sign a paper that they don't owe you anything else.

07-02-2016, 11:07 PM
Hit again.
Hit and run.
I'm left on the ground with my bike on top of me.
No one helped.
Two Harley's went by. No one helped.
Car after car...
They just stared.
One leg burned by the engine. The other bruised up.
I'll fix the bike tomorrow.
But I'd like to say this.
Damn every person that just sat and stared at my misfortune.
Damn every one of them to hell.

Took a full minute to get the bike off me after I went down :(

Sorry for the rant.
H-town is just not a safe place to ride.
To many unlicensed, uninsured, illegal drivers.
My brother said "i told you so" He sold his ride a few years ago.
He said get a boat or a plane. They are much safer.

07-03-2016, 07:59 AM
"One leg burned by the engine" ...... That's one of the reasons I won't ride without crash bars (engine guards I think you Americans call them) Saved my leg the last time I went down, when I got sideswiped by a SUV.

Vegas Street Rider
07-03-2016, 01:28 PM
Sorry for the accident. Glad you weren't hurt worse. Unfortunately, what you experienced is the new norm. It is the same here in Vegas. Lots of hit-and-runs. Mostly due to drivers being under the influence and just not caring. Sad statement for our society.

Water Warrior 2
07-04-2016, 01:29 PM
Hit and Run should be an automatic jail sentence if the cops find them. >:( I'm just glad you survived to tell us about it. What were the circumstances?

07-06-2016, 10:14 PM
Parking lot. Bump. I go down. They run away. Everybody stares. Nobody helps.
I never new how hard it is to lift a bike off yourself when it's on your leg.
When you stand and pick it up it's not so bad. Esp a gz250.
But when your on the ground and your trying to un-pin a leg and your curling the
300lb bike that is a foot in front of your sitting torso... OMFG!
Gas station.

Vegas Street Rider
07-07-2016, 01:46 AM
I can relate. It took two guys to lift my bike off of my leg when I went down. Fortunately, I just got a sizeable hip bruise out of the deal.

Water Warrior 2
07-23-2016, 07:06 AM
Parking lot. Bump. I go down. They run away. Everybody stares. Nobody helps.
I never new how hard it is to lift a bike off yourself when it's on your leg.
When you stand and pick it up it's not so bad. Esp a gz250.
But when your on the ground and your trying to un-pin a leg and your curling the
300lb bike that is a foot in front of your sitting torso... OMFG!
Gas station.

Ouch! I can relate to that. I dumped a heavy dirt bike and had it come down on me. Wound up with bruised discs in my back.

03-25-2017, 11:20 PM
Thought I'd update the original story.
Had my deposition for the initial accident that started this thread a few weeks ago.
They got an experienced and aggressive atty for the defense.
Can't say any names.
Dude tried to make it seem like I was inaccurate and exaggerating.
A very unpleasant experience.
So... It looks like it will take years to settle this.
God I wish I could just go to court tomorrow and get my side of this heard :(

Water Warrior 2
03-26-2017, 01:48 AM
I was wondering how that was going. The defence atty will try to wear you down till you just give up and say screw it all. Looks like it may be a long road to justice but do hang in there if you feel there is a good chance of winning your case. You should definitely be compensated for suffering and potential later health problems if they should occur.

Letting time go by may be to your advantage. The longer it takes the better the chance of a health issue from the accident and the atty knows that. Any lasting side effect could potentially change you life and not for the better. The atty knows that too. He might just try to p*ss you off into signing for a small sum before the full extent of injuries are eventually known with the passage of time.

It is business as usual with the atty. Realize he is only doing his job for a pay check but don't ever feel bad if he looses. Be happy that you won, of course you would be very happy if none of this had transpired in the first place.

05-20-2017, 10:12 PM
Court date set: January 2018

Vegas Street Rider
05-21-2017, 01:56 AM
Be patient and hang in there. Hopefully, justice will be served. I will pray for a good outcome for you. If not, I know a guy who knows a guy (after all, this is Vegas).

Water Warrior 2
05-21-2017, 04:04 AM
At least you have the legal wheels slowly turning. Be patient and don't worry too much in the mean time.

05-21-2017, 07:59 AM
If not, I know a guy who knows a guy (after all, this is Vegas).


09-29-2017, 09:57 PM
Mediation early November. Wait and see how that goes :~/

09-29-2017, 10:15 PM
Fingers crossed.

Vegas Street Rider
09-29-2017, 11:19 PM
Good luck. It has been quite the long journey for you, hasn't it? Hope it goes well for you.