View Full Version : I can't keep it running...

10-07-2015, 07:59 PM
Hello all,
I recently purchased an 04 GZ250 that "Didn't run right" from a friend. Her account was that it started an ran fine, then one day it would start and idle but would die when given throttle. After some research it seemed that the pilot jet was plugged. Whne I got it home I could get it started but it ran at idle speed only on full throttle but would eventually die and not start.

I got a carburetor rebuild kit off the internet and cleaned and rebuilt it. One thing I noticed was that the choke/enrichiner diaphragm wasn't all the way on and there was no suction if I moved the slider with my finger. I got it to suction after a bit of fiddling.

After I got it back together, I tried to start it and it started but idled really high so I adjusted the idle speed down a bit. When I thought I got it right it died and back to the same problem as before (idle speed at full throttle).

I thought that maybe the diaphragm for the choke/enrichener came off again but after I removed the carb it still had suction. I put the carb back on (no other cleaning or anything) and again started and ran at a high speed then petered out.

Any Ideas would be appreciated, Thanks.

Oh and what does the choke symbol mean, is forward open and back full choke or vice versa?

10-07-2015, 08:50 PM
Choke is on when it is pulled towards you.....Sounds like you may have a vacuum leak. :)

10-08-2015, 12:13 PM
Sounds like you may have a vacuum leak. :)

So whats the best way to check for a leak besides replace each hose. I did notice that the line from the petcock to the carb did not have a clamp on the petcock end. Is that normal?

10-08-2015, 12:45 PM
Get the bike idling as stable as you can. Spray some carb cleaner or engine starter on / around the carb boots while it's idling. If the bike revs, you have a leak at the carb boots.

Edit: That line from carb to petcock does not have a clamp on it, it's friction fit.

10-28-2015, 07:21 PM
Get the bike idling as stable as you can. Spray some carb cleaner or engine starter on / around the carb boots while it's idling. If the bike revs, you have a leak at the carb boots.

Edit: That line from carb to petcock does not have a clamp on it, it's friction fit.

Unfortunately I cannot get it running for more than about 20-30 seconds. After it dies it wont start again unless I remove the carb and put it back on. There is fuel in the carb so that is not an issue.

It's pretty loose on mine but then again if gas is in the carb, that wouldn't be the issue either.

10-29-2015, 10:06 PM
What color are the electrodes on your spark plug and are they wet after a running a bit and then dying?