View Full Version : Just woke up from a nasty nightmare.

07-27-2015, 04:50 AM
I dreamed that motorcycles all over town were falling off their kickstands :???:

Water Warrior 2
07-27-2015, 04:16 PM
That's what you get for sleeping in an earthquake zone. My 1st wife "WAS" a nightmare.

07-27-2015, 05:50 PM
That's what you get for sleeping in an earthquake zone. My 1st wife "WAS" a nightmare.

Earthquake zone :???:
If an earthquake happened here it would be so totally bizarre. X~D

Water Warrior 2
07-27-2015, 08:59 PM
We get tremors here every now and again. 1st time it happened I was sitting here and my chair started to rock back and forth a little. Last Christmas I got the same rocking sensation smokin my present. What did I just say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :doh::doh::doh::doh::doh::doh:

07-27-2015, 10:19 PM
The only earthquake I've ever experienced was at the Narita Holiday Inn near the airport in
Japan. Tv was wobbling back and forth and everything 8-|