View Full Version : Starting was getting harder. (apparent solution)

07-01-2015, 07:26 PM
When I picked up this bike 10 weeks or so ago, i don't remember dates, it wouldn't
crank and wouldn't start when jumped.

Flat battery and carb rebuild later I got a pretty nice running bike.

Starting a couple weeks ago it started getting real hard to start when cold. I was
worried the low compression was the culprit but had other suspicions too.

Yesterday I was idling at a light and the engine slowly slowed down from it's idle
speed of 1500 rpm to stall. Not like you kill it... It just idled down slowly.

So I'm thinking. That almost seemed like I ran out of gas.
I hit the starter button and it sparked right back to life and continued idling normally.

Brainstorm brainstorm.

Next morning I don't leave the fuel in the on state but instead in the prime state.
Then set the choke full and cranked.... Instant fire.

I head to work in prime, kill it, and set the petcock back to 'on'.

Time to go home. Set to prime, full chock, instant fire. *interesting*

I'm thinking either the diaphram in the petcock is leaking or the vacuum line is
leaking and the carb is not getting enough gas.

Otherwise the motor runs perfect.

I'm gonna get a new vacuum line and new fuel line for the bike.

I also now need to rebuild the petcock valve as it is now leaking real slow from
my constant switching. It is 15 years old and was sitting in the same one position
for many years.

Water Warrior 2
07-01-2015, 09:45 PM
Couple suggestions that you may want to do. Pop the tank off and remove the petcock. It will have two screens that might have a lot of crap trying to plug them. One for "ON" position and one for "Prime" position. Also install an inline filter when adding the new fuel line.

07-01-2015, 10:08 PM
Couple suggestions that you may want to do. Pop the tank off and remove the petcock. It will have two screens that might have a lot of crap trying to plug them. One for "ON" position and one for "Prime" position. Also install an inline filter when adding the new fuel line.

Will be done and done ;)

Perhaps a new farkle in my near future XD


07-03-2015, 02:40 AM
going to do this on my bike cause i have been having crazy idling issues. when taking off the petcock do i need to be prepared for rush of gas exiting the tank?

07-03-2015, 06:19 AM
Before removing the petcock, put it in "pri" and drain the fuel into a handy container.

07-03-2015, 07:35 AM
Without the petcock your tank is wide open.
I like to just get a 5 gallon gas can and some hose and just put the valve to 'pri' and
drain the tank into the gas can while it's still on the bike first.

07-03-2015, 05:39 PM
yes, that's what I said. :hmm:

07-04-2015, 02:11 AM
thanks guys, cleaned the fuel filter and installed the inline filter. still having issues but it is getting better. similar to what i have read from others. high idle then when i turn the choke down it dies at the next stop. I cleaned the carb few weeks ago and lubed the throttle cables. Going to check the valves this weekend, crossing my fingers

07-04-2015, 06:35 AM
Have you checked the actual idling speed? With the choke off and the engine HOT, you need to adjust the big white knob under the carb, to give you 1200 to 1400 RPM idling.

07-04-2015, 09:58 AM
Oki doke... Thread start 7/1. It's now 7/4. Every start using prime position on the petcock has
been instant fire first crank.
Problem diagnosed.
Get my next check in a few days so I know what I'm buying :~D

07-06-2015, 11:18 PM
Wow..... It's 7/6/15 and the bike has totally reverted to very hard starting. Runs great once started and still gets 75 mpg.
Just I gotta crank the crap outta it to get it to fire.
I've changed nothing from yesterday and the day before.

07-08-2015, 04:58 AM
have you done a valve clearance adjustment? i did mine over the weekend and ohh buddy she is much happier. I think i need to go back in and recheck them, it took me awhile to figure it out and understand where the clearance is. No more high revs and is not ding when i idle. Also start up is a piece of cake. thanks everyone for the info !!

07-08-2015, 10:23 PM
Now it's the end of 7/8/15 and it's easy to start again. Every time for almost 2 days.
I'm thinking two possibilities.
1) Some debris migrated into the carb and occasionally blocks a jet or passage.
2) Intermittent electric fault interrupting ignition.

Water Warrior 2
07-08-2015, 11:16 PM
Now it's the end of 7/8/15 and it's easy to start again. Every time for almost 2 days.
I'm thinking two possibilities.
1) Some debris migrated into the carb and occasionally blocks a jet or passage.
2) Intermittent electric fault interrupting ignition.

Go with door #1. It is still the likely culprit bugging you. Seafoam should help.

07-08-2015, 11:33 PM
Go with door #1. It is still the likely culprit bugging you. Seafoam should help.

Then carb is where I will start.
I'll bypass the seafoam though... I just love tearing down carbs for fun and cleaning manually.
:shrug: :D

Just ordered my Suzuki 20w50, 7/8 bar foam grips, new petcock and new clutch plates.

The old foam grips were crap... My bad... :tdown:

More fun coming :tup:

Water Warrior 2
07-09-2015, 02:24 AM
Then carb is where I will start.
I'll bypass the seafoam though... I just love tearing down carbs for fun and cleaning manually.
:shrug: :D

Just ordered my Suzuki 20w50, 7/8 bar foam grips, new petcock and new clutch plates.

The old foam grips were crap... My bad... :tdown:

More fun coming :tup:

Are the foam grips the ones that slip over the normal grips? I had the Grip Puppy slip ons and they were great. Vibration(the little that there was)was barely evident but the biggest difference was the added diameter of the grip. No more wrapping the complete hand around the grip so there was no more cramping in my hands on a longish ride. That and a couple Throttle Rockers(left and rightsides)made for a lot less fatigue in my hands.
Another reason for hand fatigue was my riding gloves. I bought some excellant riding gloves with padding and armor but they were just a tad short in the fingers that was really a bother. I did find that a pair of Red Wing gauntlets were very comfy. They had a light Thinsulate liner too.

07-09-2015, 07:07 AM
Bought bike with thin rubber grips. Functional but I didn't like very much.

Bought foam grips that looked like what I wanted but don't feel quite right:

So I ordered a style that I have not tried yet:

Wait and see if the new set makes me happier.