View Full Version : GZ250 wont start

06-19-2015, 01:47 PM
Let me start by saying I failed to drain the fuel last fall =( Started a couple times this spring to make sure battery was good etc. Exhaust was a little smokey. Started it last week and brought it down to driveway and changed oil and oil filter. Started it again, topped off oil once it circulated. Went for a ride and it stalled in under a mile. Got it back home started it once again, was choppy but ran a few minutes then stalled. Cant get it started again.

I attached 2 pictures one from the top after removing seat and cargo contained. You can see the hose coming from the carb that vents to under the seat. Also a side view from the right showing the hose coming out of the side of the carb. Slightly bigger then the other hoses coming out. I think this is a vent hose?????

When I try to start the bike now gas come dripping (rather quickly) from that vent hose and it wont start. I suspect the carb is gunked up by old gas??? Is that reasonable or should I be looking for something else. I am only slightly mechanically inclined so not sure if I want to try to clean it myself if that is even the problem. Any help/suggestions would be awesome! Thanks!!

06-19-2015, 04:36 PM
Yes your carb is flooding.Also check your crankcase for gas in the oil. :)

06-20-2015, 02:12 PM
Does not seem to be gas int he oil. Any tutorials on how to clean the carb? Preferably with some pictures!

06-22-2015, 06:42 PM
Pickup Coil maybe bad, have similar issue year ago, replaced with unknown moped parts which is just looks a like.