View Full Version : Good (but reasonably priced) plastic adhesive?

06-02-2015, 11:53 PM
Anyone have anything they can recommend? I have a broken tab on one of the small filter covers that are located under the seat. It's broken in a way that you can't clamp it to hold together, so it'll have to be something that sets quickly. I saw 3M makes some plastic/body work glue but it's like $20-30-40 for various types of that stuff. I only need a little bit for one small fix.


06-03-2015, 03:05 PM
I discovered something called Plastex years ago. Wonderful stuff. The kit comes with a little bit of clay that doesnt seem to dry out, can be used over and over again, to make new tabs. make a template from an existing one.

Stuff has multiple uses. If you dont need to make a new tab, and just refasten a piece of broken plastic, just the chemical and acrylic powder is all that is needed.
Go to Sally's Beauty Supply, or similar place. Buy a bottle of Monomer and acrylic powder (women and nail salons use this stuff to build up their finger nails. This is the exact stuff, other than the clay bar, that comes in a Plastex kit.
The first time a person uses this stuff, I recommend getting the kit, since the instructions are vital.

06-10-2015, 03:34 PM
I use QuikSteel for everything; plastic, glass, metal, you name it.

06-14-2015, 12:07 PM
Locktite makes an epoxy that has two tubes, one clean, one yellowish. the more clear you use the in mixture the more like solid plastic, the more yellow, the more rubbery. I used it on my side cover tab and it is still holding strong.

06-17-2015, 08:16 PM
I went and bought some JB Kwik-Weld (same as the regular stuff, just faster dry time). Two part mix, it seemed to do the trick. And it was only like $5. Thanks all!