View Full Version : Temporary no start

05-15-2015, 07:34 PM
Road about 22 to 23 miles towards home. Stopped off at my storage room to pay a bill. Bike restarted just fine. I head down the road a half mile to the grocery store to pick up some :cheers: I load the bike up and attempt to restart but the motor just
turns over but wont start.
>got gas? check.
>got compression? check.
>got spark? I dunno as I didn't have my timing light there at the grocery store.

Tried a push start. Nada...
Shut the key off and thought for a bit. Thinking *well damn. I'm gonna have to push
this thing another .6 miles to the house*

Turned the key back on and hit the starter and instant fire. Ran fine to the house.

An aside. It dropped dead at a stop sign this morning but ran fine for miles after

My thought is electrical.
Are there common places in the harness known for faultering?
Are there other common problems to cause intermittent loss of spark <---
that's an assumption as to drop dead in morning mid operation and no start
in the evening....

Water Warrior 2
05-15-2015, 10:24 PM
Sure does sound electrical. First things first. Clean the battery connections with a wire brush. Put a star washer on the battery bolts to keep them from backing off slightly over time. All it takes is a poor connection to leave you pushing.

05-16-2015, 06:39 AM
This is something I've found occasionally. Bike turns over but won't start. Turn key off then on. Bike starts. Still dunno why this happens, but a blast of contact cleaner into the key hole always does the trick, and no more problems for a few weeks. It can't hurt for you to give it a try before you start stripping the bike.

05-16-2015, 08:22 AM
Second response seems more likely.
Battery contacts have already been cleaned when i first got the bike. Besides...
The most current ever to pass between bike and battery is cranking it. And it was
cranking great. And the bike was already running in the morning when it dropped

I guess what i was looking for is ignition switch this or interlock switch that or the
bundle of wires behind the headlight or whatever.

Since i'm an electronics tech and I've rebuilt a couple of ignition switches in the
past i'll go that route for now. I've already sprayed cleaner/silicon lubricant down
the switch but that was for the key lock itself as it would stick bad.
That and I've got dielectric grease for the actual contacts inside the switch.

I'm thinking i'll need to find and replace/rebuild the neutral switch to. I've noticed
that it doesn't always fully illuminate the neutral light.

Is there a schematic available for my 2000 model posted anywhere?

if this starts kicking my butt, (and i had a similar problem on a kawasaki once), i'll
just wire in led's to monitor every aspect of the interlock on the right control
cluster. Turned out there was an intermittent connection in the harness then.

05-19-2015, 11:33 PM
Found it.
key/Ignition switch contacts. I'll dremel polish the contacts and grease then reassemble.