View Full Version : Quest for visibilty

Water Warrior 2
04-27-2008, 10:11 PM
Yup, I am at it again. Lynda's GZ is getting easier and easier to see in my mirrors when follows me. First changes were headlght and brake light modulators. Then came the SilverStar headlight bulb, better vision at night and easier to see head-on. After installing the handguards I gave them a strip of yellow reflective tape. That was more effective than I had thought. Not only is the tape noticeable but it also gives a width to the bike for oncoming traffic.
Now for the latest safety mod. Call me paranoid but head-on collisions are not on my list of favourites during a day of fine riding. A nice easy install with everything already in my parts bin. The GZ now sports a yellow 20 watt halogen running light below the headlight. It is mounted to the bottom side of the lower triple. The bulb is a MR-11. The yellow is the hard part to come by and purchase. The only place I have found them is in the auto dept. of Canadian tire and the price is 9 bucks or so. So far so good. The charging system seems capable of supporting the light and heated grips so all is good.

04-28-2008, 08:23 AM
I'd like to see a photo of your handguards. I thought about those long ago but I just never bit the bullet to try them out.

Of the other upgrades, I'd like to see those too. How about an overall photo of this bike?


Water Warrior 2
04-28-2008, 01:44 PM
I'd like to see a photo of your handguards. I thought about those long ago but I just never bit the bullet to try them out.

Of the other upgrades, I'd like to see those too. How about an overall photo of this bike?


Will try for pics Wed/Thur. The rain should have quit by then with a little luck. And if I get real lucky I can go for a ride and take pics with our mountains in the background. I normally do the add-ons and Lynda does the riding on the GZ.

04-28-2008, 04:11 PM
I normally do the add-ons and Lynda does the riding on the GZ.

I figured as much from reading your posts. Photos with nice backgrouns are always better.
