View Full Version : Oil drain plug rounded off

04-09-2015, 12:40 PM
I think I've officially rounded off my oil drain plug bolt. The 17mm socket slips right off. I have tried hammering it (wow, no space for this really), channel locks, and a rubber band in the socket. I can't see how to get a wrench in from the side, though its claimed in this link:

I'm considering getting a rounded bolt set, but for $30 and no garuntee of it working I feel better off just taking it to the dealership and getting a new bolt while I'm there. I'm probably taking it there in a couple months anyway for a professional eye to see if I'm missing anything on my maintenance.

But I haven't given up yet!

So first of all, am I turning in the correct dirrection?? I am on the right side of the bike (with the oil filter cap) and turning the bolt towards the back of the bike.

Is it THAT bad of an idea to drain it through the oil filter compartment?

Would I do any real damage riding it ~90 miles before changing the oil? I changed it at the begining of last season (no problem with the bolt...) and rode just over 1000 miles.

Thank you all for any help.

04-09-2015, 03:24 PM
Yes you are turning the right way (Lefty loosie righty tighty) It wont hurt to ride 90 Miles.You haven't got that many miles since last oil change. :)

04-09-2015, 05:03 PM
use a 6 sides socket and put the bike on the side to get more axes

04-09-2015, 07:41 PM
Thanks for the advice blaine, raul. I laid it down and got a "gator grip" socket it on it.... no luck. >.<

04-09-2015, 10:07 PM
you can use the other bolt beside the plug but pay attention to the spring an the other part inside

04-10-2015, 12:14 AM
you can use the other bolt beside the plug but pay attention to the spring an the other part inside
That is the spring & plunger that keep the shifter from only shifting up one gear at a time.I wouldn't recommend removing it. :)

04-13-2015, 09:14 AM
If you're drain bolt isn't coming out, you can use a vacuum drainer and just go through the fill-hole.


Like this.

04-13-2015, 02:07 PM
I rode this weekend... boy was it nice being ON the bike rather than UNDER it.

A friend has a vacuum pump for chainging the oil in his boat. I'll use that or some hand made version to get the oil out like you mentioned jon. I guess taking off the plate the bolt is in will be a winter project.

Thank you all!

04-16-2015, 05:07 PM
I rode this weekend... boy was it nice being ON the bike rather than UNDER it.

A friend has a vacuum pump for chainging the oil in his boat. I'll use that or some hand made version to get the oil out like you mentioned jon. I guess taking off the plate the bolt is in will be a winter project.

Thank you all!

Enjoy the riding season.